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Respond to the question: incentive calculation issues?
12/15/2019 06:43 AM by roterdam; incentive calculation issues
Very gratifying to have found this community. I am in a problem, which relies on game theory, for its solution. It is as follows: Alice wants to buy a TV from Bob for a price of $ 300. Neither party trusts each other so they trust a [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Optimizing a set of points against an op?
03/26/2015 05:56 PM by Jordy; Optimizing a set of points against an opposite set of points
Hello, I'm quite interested in the idea of adapting your strategy not to the rules of a given game, but to the strategy your opponent is taking. Recently I came across quite an interesting real-life problem that got me thinking about [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: How to hold a thing longest?
12/02/2014 08:53 AM by name withheld;
asd [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Selection of Internships real life exam?
04/07/2011 07:31 PM by name withheld; Selection of Internships (real life example)
[View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Im looking for a solution to this game?
03/21/2010 02:56 PM by name withheld; 2042
[View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: HELP NASH COURNOT?
02/21/2010 05:29 AM by Prad; HELP!! NASH, COURNOT
Suppose there are I farmers, each of whom has the right to graze cows on the village common. The amount of milk a caw produces depends on the total numbers of cows, N, grazing on the green. The revenue produced by ni cows is ni x v(N) [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Game Theory and Employment Fraud?
11/09/2009 10:32 PM by Tony; Game Theory and Employment Fraud
I'm attempting to apply game theory to the idea of employment fraud in China. Specifically, it is common practice for employees to do private deals with firm clients, thereby keeping for themselves the fees that the clients pay. I'd say [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Game theory and Corporate Governance?
08/11/2009 03:17 PM by Karol Bonenberg; Game theory and Corporate Governance?
I had good materials during game theory course on LSE -, also a classic book Theory of Games and Economic Behavior. If you're looking for a broader view on this subject, Adam [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: relevance of games theory?
02/02/2008 05:53 AM by student; relevance of games theory
please i would like you to help me with a school project. [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Does game theory unify mathematics?
01/30/2007 05:37 AM by Doug; Does game theory unify mathematics?
I have been reading Game Theory [GT] literature, especially dynamic noncooperative with static, discete and continuous time; noting GT semantics in a prestigious journal. NATURE - Current issue: Volume 445 Number 7126 pp339-458 1 [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: how can i learn about game theory and co?
10/03/2005 04:05 AM by name withheld; how can i learn about game theory and common resources
[View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: game theory and SAM?
03/06/2005 07:39 AM by Abdualslam; game theory and SAM
I want to model a multi-year social accounting matrix (SAM) using game theory .please tell me if this is possible and give me some basic guidelines on how to it , some papers and books as well. [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Game theory and Corporate Governance?
03/03/2005 08:17 AM by Ivan Etzo; Game theory and corporate finance
Hi! I've got the same problem... I've decided to do my dissertation in the same field and I'm looking for papers and bibliografy. We can keep in touch if you want in order to help each other. Bye Ivan [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Game theory and cooperative control?
06/08/2004 09:27 AM by Raghvendra Cowlagi; Game theory and cooperative control
Please tell me if this is possible and if yes, some basic guidelines on how to it: I want to model a multi-agent robot system as a cooperative game and design the controllers for each robot by assigning some "rational behavior" for that [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Vodaphone bidding strategy for att wirel?
03/20/2004 10:39 AM by Dwayne; Vodaphone bidding strategy for att wireless
HI! I am doing a project for my graduate game theory course about the auction of att wireless. I am figuring that they are worth about 47B book, and a little less than that market. I have been searching around for how the matrix should [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Applications of Game Theory?
03/10/2004 03:25 AM by student; I need the answer
I want to konw if there is any application of zero sum game theory espically in symmetric game theory. [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Game Theory the Stock Market?
01/21/2004 09:05 PM by name withheld; applications of game teory
I want to know aboat the applications of game teory [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: 100000 and game theory?
01/21/2004 10:56 AM by DG; 100,000 and game theory
what would you do with a 100,000 and how would you apply it to the game theory? the point of this is to find 5 ways to use the money but at the end have the most left over. (imagine you're running a small bussiness) [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: IC mechanism design when players can vet?
11/14/2003 10:08 AM by name withheld; IC mechanism design when players can veto options
Hi, I was looking into designing a mechanism that is incentive compatible when players have the ability to 'block' or veto outcomes (I had an application I wanted to use the mechanism in). This seems simple enough e.g clarke tax. [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Im looking for a solution to this game?
08/21/2003 12:52 PM by name withheld;
Quick thought - Why not redefine your numerical game so that the numbers were not necessarily pyramidal - Why not look at them as a series of points on a plane as equal and integral to one another. [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: wanna do some work on game theory?
05/13/2003 08:26 AM by name withheld; wanna do some work on game theory
i wld like to do some research and eventually write some tin on it havin just done an introd course in it dont know how well equipped i m to do thw same..whats the most prudent way to do .. every topic is interstin [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Game Theory the Stock Market?
03/16/2003 02:51 PM by name withheld; Morris and Shin
Morris and Shin are writing in those are. Go to googld and search 'Morris Shin', which will lead you to their homepage. [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Applications of Game Theory?
02/14/2003 08:01 AM by name withheld; Applications of Game Theory
I want to know where and how can Game Theory be applied in day to day life. i have studied Introductory Game Theory, but I consider it very Abstract and formal- atleast the course taught to me. Hence, I am in search of some applications [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: request for games theory applications?
10/22/2002 04:46 PM by syed uzair; request for games theory applications
hi, i am doing my ms program in computer science and i want to carry out my research work in the area of games theory.i will be very thankful to you if u could provide me with the information about the latest applications of the [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: GT application to pure mathematics?
09/17/2002 02:52 PM by Nick Williams;
Much obliged, I'll try to find some pdf's, and post them if I find any. [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Is the stock market a zero sum game?
08/19/2002 02:21 PM by DBS; Is the stock market a 0 sum game? Depends on how its play.
This question is a little broad since the answer depends on the way you play. For me it is not a zero sum game. I buy a portfolio of stock which I expect to appreciate over time reasonably in line with the level of systematic risk [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: GT application to pure mathematics?
06/10/2002 06:33 AM by Burkhard C. Schipper; Re: mathematical modeling
This is a response to Nick Williams' message on mathematical modeling. In particular he asked: "Everyone has seen how game theory(GT) has been applied to real-world happenings, but has anyone done research seeing if GT has any [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Interesting game theory application?
03/29/2002 12:38 AM by name withheld; Interesting game theory application
What is the most interesting recent game theory application? This does not have to be financial [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: contracting model of regulation and comp?
03/05/2002 11:44 PM by Sungbin Cho; Re:contract theory as non-cooperative game: thank you and a comment
Well, I think Nash bargaining solution is not so restrictive in a sense that we can show that non-cooperative nargaining solution also coincides with Nash bargaining solution. One thin you can do, in my view, is to calculate the [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: what is elasticity and the equation for?
03/04/2002 10:20 AM by name withheld; elasticity
Elasticity measures the change in quantity demanded when the price per quantity changes, i.e. if gas prices rise, at what rate does demand for gasoline fall? The equation is, I believe, as follows: change in Quantity demanded(or [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Real life examples of Coercion and Collu?
03/04/2002 04:58 AM by george; [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Modelling npersongames?
03/04/2002 04:47 AM by George; [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Real life examples of Coercion and Collu?
02/27/2002 08:07 AM by Paul Spratley; Real life examples of Coercion and Collusion
Does anyone have real life examples of coercion and collusion to force the selection of a strategy? Particularly in Supply Chain: upstream and downstream game play. thanks Paul [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: contracting model of regulation and comp?
02/25/2002 09:21 AM by arabella; contract theory as non-cooperative game: thank you and a comment
Sungbin: Thanks for your reply. It is as I had expected. I do have a further comment, however. If, as I find in my model, a continuum of subgame perfect equilibrium contracts exist, is it reasonable to employ the Nash bargaining [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Modelling npersongames?
02/18/2002 01:25 PM by Sungbin Cho; Re:Modelling n-person-games
What do you mean by n-person game? Do you have joint ventures or partnerhsip in your mind? Or whatelse? [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Is the stock market a zero sum game?
02/15/2002 08:35 PM by Wreckerbill; oops... here is the full text
It’s a juggling game, not like a single clown juggling many items. It is like a rock concert crowd and a single beach ball. (The players all paid to get in and participate in the show.) As interest and effort swells, the beach ball’s [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Modelling npersongames?
02/13/2002 04:54 AM by Nina; Modelling n-person-games
Hello, I'm looking for literatur on n-person-games that will help me modelling such a game. I want to analyse the cooperation of several businesses, so 2- or 3-person-games won't do! I'd be grateful for any help! Thanks, Nina. [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: game theory for HIV prevention?
12/07/2001 05:09 PM by Pamela DeCarlo; game theory for HIV prevention?
Hi. I'm working on a 2-page fact sheet on using theory to guide HIV prevention programs. We almost always default to behavioral theory, but I'm intersted in branching out to other theoretical areas as well. Does anyone know of other [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Is the stock market a zero sum game?
12/02/2001 05:03 AM by nico; consider productivity increases
assuming the stock market has a relation with the real world out there, it should not be a zero sum game, because productivity can increase. if productivity increases, more is produced for each input, thus *really* increasing the wealth [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: game theory?
11/23/2001 03:22 PM by Noone; game theory
need a goog example in world history, to represent it on grounds of game theory [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Good example of game theory needed?
11/23/2001 03:17 PM by noone;
[View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Community Development?
11/10/2001 11:04 AM by name withheld; corporate governance and game theory
[View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Elasticity?
04/30/2001 03:21 PM by Rodrigo; Elasticity
Elasticity refers to the sensitiveness of the percentage variation of one variable with respect to percentage variation of another. For instance, let: Y=f(X) When X changes from X* to X**, Y varies from Y*=f(X*) to Y**=f(X**). The [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: none?
04/30/2001 05:17 AM by name withheld;
what is elasticity and the equation for elasticity [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: game theory application in the real econ?
04/22/2001 07:28 PM by Rodrigo; Game theory and real world
Game theory has had a profound impact on the design of auctions in the real world. See, for instance, a survey on auction theory with applications to the treasury market: "Auction theory: a summary with applications to treasury [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: corporate governance?
03/31/2001 08:52 AM by Paulo Hermanny; Corparate Governance and Contract Theory
You should try look the work of Prof. Jean Tirole in the area try: look to Prof. Tirole article in corporate govenance, and will should find what you need, however is more [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Community Development?
03/11/2001 12:11 PM by name withheld; Community Development
Does anyone have expereince in community development work, with a zero sum mind set making resource allocation and funding of social services a competitive, rather than creative process? [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Survivor?
08/29/2000 05:30 PM by Pedro Dal Bó; Survivor show
I don't know of papers that can be used to study Survivor. There are some papers that analyze the opposite case, that is when players vote to incorporate people to the island, as in "Voting for voters: a model of electoral evolution" [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Leverage analysis?
08/02/2000 06:31 AM by Walter;
I found these books that may be related to your query: Hillel, Daniel. Rivers of Eden : the struggle for water and the quest for peace in the Middle East /, Daniel Hillel. New York : Oxford University Press, 1994. x, 355 p. : [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Is the stock market a zero sum game?
05/29/2000 09:44 PM by name withheld; Click on the thread for a discussion of this
See the existing discussion. [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Leverage analysis?
05/23/2000 11:13 AM by Eric;
I don't know of any works carried out in other countries, regarding strategy and/or strategic grouping in the construction but will try to conslut other people to ask your question. [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: corporate governance?
04/20/2000 10:57 AM by Szu-Wen Chou; corporate governance
Hi Denile, Do you have any specific problem that you are interesting in corporate governance? [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Russian taxpayer compliance?
04/03/2000 11:57 AM by Pedro Dal Bó; Russian taxes
Unfortunately I don't know of papers using game theory to study tax compliance. I would look at the Econlit or Jstor for papers in this issue, something useful may appear! To think about these problems the principal-agent [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Public goods?
03/30/2000 09:27 AM by Pedro Dal Bó;
I don't think so. There are lots of examples in which public goods are provided adequatly by private companies under government regulation or directly provided by non-guvernmental organizations. [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Division of science Pork Barrel?
03/30/2000 09:22 AM by Pedro Dal Bó; Division of science
The study of cooperation in teams or among teams is an important aplication of Game Theory. The main problem is that if there is imperfect observability of the actios of every member of the team, each of them may have an incentive [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Public goods?
03/28/2000 12:26 PM by Yi; Should public goods be provided only by the government?
My Email: [email protected] Many thanks. Yi [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Division of science Pork Barrel?
03/24/2000 10:18 AM by Charles tomkins; Division of science 'Pork Barrel'
Is it possible to create an environment in which 5 financially competing research teams can co-operate to divide up a complex research problem into its components,invent the best experiment for each component and then divide the work [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: credit cards?
03/03/2000 05:39 PM by Pedro Dal Bó; Credit cards
I don't know about this market and I haven't seen papers on the subject. Nevertheless I think that the interaction of companies in any oligopolistic market has some prisoner's dilemma flavor. To makes things simple think that [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Leverage analysis?
02/16/2000 02:31 PM by Pedro Dal Bó; leverage and game theory
I don't know about SWOT, but game theory is useful to study any situation in which there is a strategic interaction among the agents. In game theory the players objectives, the players knowing the players objectives, the possible [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Electricity?
01/28/2000 01:30 PM by pedro; Electricity and Games
Some features of the electricity markets can be studied with Auction Theory. For material on that see Riley's webpage. I haven't seen many papers using game theory to understand Electricity markets. Last term Frank Wolak [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Is the stock market a zero sum game?
01/26/2000 08:01 PM by David K. Levine; I agree that it is not
To concur with the previous answer, I think that most economists would not regard the stock market as a zero-sum gain. It is true that trading just for capital gains has this property: but we also hold stocks in order to save and in [View full text and thread]