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Im doing a seminar over realestate prices and im Looking for the best game for the following: 3 players (gov,public,developers) each one with 6 astrategics:prices will rise sharp, rise, stay the same, drop and drop sharply.
Can [View full text and thread]
Respond to the question: Finding Nash Equilibrium directly from e? 04/04/2019 09:26 AM by ADG; Finding Nash Equilibrium directly from extensive form | I am very interested in finding the Nash equilibrium of a game directly from the extensive form game/game tree of a game. I know you can find Nash equilibria from the strategic form (normal form table), but finding it directly from the [View full text and thread]
Hello, is there an agent in Game Theory which goal is to minimizes other's costs?
I've seen some agents that I would call "socialist", which goal is to minimize the sum, but including their cost. If you know any paper referring to [View full text and thread]
Here is a game:
There are two player: A and B
At first stage, player A player first by choosing one of 3 strategies: A1, A2 and A3.
For each strategy, there are 4 type, as in the linked figure.
At second stage, [View full text and thread]
[View full text and thread]
Good afternoon. I'm trying to solve some 2 person non-sequential games. 2x2 matrices. I have very minimal understanding of some of the concepts. I used ExMIP to solve the matrices. However, I don't understand what the outputs [View full text and thread]
sorry 'extensive' ^^ btw I know a lot of unfair games, just think about lottery :D [View full text and thread]
Why do I have to check just two deviations (a)at t; b) at t and t+1) in order to find the NE in an infinetely repeated Prisoner Dilemma?Why are others deviations (i.e. at t,t+1,t+2) redundant? What is the difference with the SPNE? [View full text and thread]
I've also been interested in learrning more about the specific required to execute this! [View full text and thread]
What is the nash equilibrium if candidates in a simple game care only about the winners position, not winning per say?How would I go about answering this? [View full text and thread]
I am looking for some help in understanding what is needed to test the rules for a technology prize/contest solicitation, ie a "gaming" session to insure that the rules produce what we need.
I can go into more details if [View full text and thread]
How do you make games like this?
Its a colony builder in a small flash-game. Im sure some of you have played. Its getting pretty popular. [View full text and thread]
sorry for my first post :-) hope to get any thoughts. [View full text and thread]
It might be good to read "Perfect equilibrium in a bargaining model", Econometrica 50/1, 97-109, by Ariel Rubinstein. It is a two-person alternative bargaining model. [View full text and thread]
This is an alternating coordination game. To check whether (Y, Y) is an SPNE, we need to know weather the players have incentive to deviate from Y. Suppose (Y, Y) is an SPNE. Then payoff for each player is 1/ (1-delta), where delta is [View full text and thread]
Respond to the question: game theory and portfilio optimization H? 07/05/2006 10:33 AM by Marko; game theory and portfilio optimization HELP!!!! | Please if someone have anything about using the game theory in portfolio optimization send me to [email protected], I`m in trouble with that! [View full text and thread]
Consider the Rock, Paper, Scissors game. Now we have three players. The rules are the same as two-player game: Rock smashes Scissors (rock wins); Scissors cuts Paper (scissors win); Paper covers Rock (paper wins). It is still a zero-sum [View full text and thread]
i am a management student in india and have heard lot about the subject. i have studied the basics but cant understand how it is helpful in the management. hence i will try to learn some lessons through this site [View full text and thread]
I was also wondering if anyone has the solutions. [View full text and thread]
I am trying to design a payoff scheme for 3-player, 3-action static game such that none of the probabilities of any mixed strategy equilibrium is zero. In other words, the support for all 3 players should include all 3 actions [View full text and thread]
For 10 years now we have been working with a diverse global base of clients to a address a variety of complex multi player business issues these firms were facing. We use a form of Game Theory called Ordinal Non-Cooperative Game Theory. [View full text and thread]
I recently played the child's game of Guess Who against a girl. The objective is simple, there are 24 characters defined by varying characteristics. Each player picks a character card at random and then you alternate asking questions [View full text and thread]
Hey I was wondering if you had the solutions to the excercises [View full text and thread]
My question: do you know of scientists, articles, institutes dealing with questions of international energy supply from a game theory perspective? Opec as game theoretical example is well covered. But are there other topics dealt with [View full text and thread]
Basic intro to the problem:
The initial node, node (a) is labelled with Nina. This means that Nina makes her decision at that point of the game. Nina is making a choice about whether they should spend their holidays in London or New [View full text and thread]
Does anyone know where to get the solutions to the book
Strategy, An introduction to game theory, by Joel Watson??
Please let me know! [View full text and thread]
I need to start a projet on game theory. i don't know where to start and what has already been done. i am a beginner at this so I need help. i have to make it original. all I need is a project subject. [View full text and thread]
Is it like the the study of money :)
"The study of money, above all other fields in economics, is one in which
complexity is used to disguise the truth or to evade truth, not to reveal it."
John Kenneth Galbraith [View full text and thread]
how to measure the konwledge when i play the game with the one i do not know much? [View full text and thread]
Is a Decreased in the growth rate of money always followed by a
recession? yes or no and why? i am looking for many days for the answer, but I can't really find it..
thank you very much
cheers [View full text and thread]
There is a debate as to whether Game theory is technique of operational research? I was wondering what your opinion on this matter is? [View full text and thread]
Can anybody help me with: game theory in market strategy? [View full text and thread]
you should strat from terminal verticies and replace any branch out of one information set by its minimum( maximum) value. (it depends that whose is the information set) [View full text and thread]
I have a question on the set up of the story problem. How do you know how to record the payoffs? For example:
Both me and Speedy could have a sale on Bike C. I would profit $50. You both could have a sale on Bike G. You would profit [View full text and thread]
I need some hints to prove these two theorem :
1- every game of perfect information when reduced to strategic form has a saddle point, both players have optimal pure strategies. moreover, the saddle point can be found by removing [View full text and thread]
There is a great (very extensive!) bibliography of the cooperative games prepared by Professor Sergiu Hart at
Most important works are highlighted by >> and >. Please check those first. [View full text and thread]
How might games theory apply to a solution to poverty? Why is the theory built on whole numbers? [View full text and thread]
I am interested in working on cooperative game model. but I am not getting correct literature on the same. if you can please help in supplying the material on
introduction to cooperative game model
how to build a model
mathematical [View full text and thread]
i'm trying to figure out the general solution for a game of getting n-in a row.. in an infinite game board with the restriction that moves must be made adjacent (horizontal, vertical, diagonal) to a previous move be it by [View full text and thread]
Respond to the question: Applying Nashs game plan to handicappin? 03/13/2003 02:55 PM by tess; Applying Nash's game plan to handicapping horse racing | I have developed the formula and I would like to see if I could apply the same priciples of Nash's game plan to it. Has it been done before? I would like to hear from a Mathamatics Professor. [View full text and thread]
Does any one know some literature about 2-Person nonzero-sum game in which
the players play their game over a polytope. Some call the question as 'polytope game' or 'restricted game'.
This game is like a pair of Linear Programmings [View full text and thread]
NAZKAK is a free open-ended play-by-email game. The game is an abstract simulation of financial market and stock trading.
This game is intentionally sober style, and is NOT a "virtual portfolio" game, and, I hope, can be of some [View full text and thread]
Hi! I'm studying game theory and working on solving a problem involving pure strategies that are continuous variables. I understand how to do this in the general form, but the problem involves 3 players picking numbers with each [View full text and thread]
Has anyone done any work on applying game theory to home buying,particularly in markets with rapidly escalating prices? [View full text and thread]
This query is in context of "coalitional value" explanations offered by Aumann & Dreze (1974) and Hart-Kurz (1983). What is the difference between a coalition structure which has a non-essential game structure w.r.t. games amongst [View full text and thread]
Hey everyone, my name is Matt and I'm a hs student trying to gather some research on Game Theory for my IR class. Unfortunately most of the info i've been able to track seems as if you need a BA in economic theory just to [View full text and thread]
Anyone who knows how to apply game trees and min-max search in tetris please mail me.... [View full text and thread]
Yes, it seems to be a simultaneous game. You have two players: A and B. Each player has two actions: R (reduce price) and S (same price). Write a 2x2 matrix, where rows represent A's actions and columns represent B's actions. The [View full text and thread]
I have developped a new online game and
now I'm searching for testers/users.
You can find it under:
Note: Multiplayer is only fun playing against human players(You need to find a second or third person).
[View full text and thread]
Fred, every steady state of a replicator dynamics is Nash and vice-versa. When we ask whether the stability of a steady state leads to a refinement of Nash, then every ESS is an asymptotically stable steady state, though the converse is [View full text and thread]
Fantastic! Thank you very much! :) I'll definately try to make use of them. Right now, I'll have to get my hands on Visio 1st :) [View full text and thread]
Rodrigo, thanks a lot for your help ... could you give me your e-mail / postal address and I will you send you a Christmas present ... please contact me asap ... [View full text and thread]
It is a good idea, but not so easy to implement. Game matrices can be done through html. We'll investigate methods for incorporating game trees. [View full text and thread]
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