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Dear Colleagues,
We have just finished writing a free online book titled “Agent-Based Evolutionary Game Dynamics”, which may be of interest to some of you.
The [View full text and thread]
Please help me out with subpoint C. I am struggling to see a point at which neither C,nor A want to deviate. I started at pc=1/2 and i see how in such a case, A would want to move slightly leftward of 1/2, then C would want to move even [View full text and thread]
shut up nice friend [View full text and thread]
Consider two landlords jointly own the land who can employ k workers, where k=0,1,2,…,8. The land can only be used with the consent of the both landlords, and if they employs k workers the profit earned is f(k) dollars. View this as a [View full text and thread]
Is it true that all positive linear transformations don't change Nash equilibrium? And if so, how do you proof that? [View full text and thread]
Hi there,
I'm developing a game where a small group of players will rate each other's performance and the best rated player will win.
The problem is: players will have a twisted incentive to give out low ratings, because this [View full text and thread]
I am working on a term paper and I am struggling to calculate the Pooling Equilibrium. I tried to apply a signalling game, similar to the education game, to start-ups and investors. I successfully calculated a separating [View full text and thread]
I am preparing an analysis of a historical war from the perspective of game theory,and want to explain the outcomes of the event using strategies used in game theory literature.
Can you please suggest some papers or material that [View full text and thread]
If you are trying to formulate and solve a new problem, how do you decide which form (extensive, normal, etc.) is the best one to use? What aspects of the problem go into making this decision? [View full text and thread]
Would you please help me with these questions?
Is it possible to convert any dynamic game to strategic form? is there any proof? or is there any Counterexample?
Could we consider a dynamic game in extensive form to be able to [View full text and thread]
Respond to the question: Potential games and potential function f? 12/07/2019 06:22 AM by Stefan; Potential games and potential function for three competing products |
I have been working on my thesis and am currently stuck at making the potential function that is able to track unilateral deviation within the network. Suppose there are three different products A,B,C. The utility of each product is [View full text and thread]
Is there a book or a paper where I can find a game theoretic model with action set available to a player that changes over time? [View full text and thread]
If anyone could help me out with this exercise I would be greatfull:
Consider the following characteristic function game: N = {1, 2, 3} and v({1}) = 0, v({2}) = 0, v({3}) = 0,
v({1,2}) = 40, v({1,3}) = 0, v({2,3}) = 50, [View full text and thread]
4 Competing in quantities
Suppose two firms selling an identical product engage in Cournot competition. There
are 100 potential customers and the industry demand is 100 − p. Firms choose quantities
qi ∈ [0, 50], which [View full text and thread]
[View full text and thread]
I have a class project picking basketball teams for each game in a tournament called march madness. If you don't know march madness it is 64 teams in a bracket and they all play one game and the winning teams then all play and so on [View full text and thread]
Each of n citizens may voluntarily contribute to a public good a sum c_i, with i =1,2,..., n. For m [View full text and thread]
Respond to the question: Game Theory on three people working on a? 10/24/2018 02:32 PM by ; Game Theory on three people working on a project | The payoff from the project, for each of the partner is given by 𝑅𝑥3𝑥3𝑥3 where 𝑅 is the smallest role number in your academic 123
group (in one or two digits) and 𝑥𝑖 is the level [View full text and thread]
This is an example of the general idea that being able to set the terms of a deal while the other player merely accepts or refuses is a huge advantage. Assuming the buyer must offer an integer price, all but 2 prices are dominated. This [View full text and thread]
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Not sure why the image I uploaded didn't seem to appear.
game is described as such:
1 can play U, M or D.
In response each of 1's action, 2 can play u or d.
U,u - 6,8
U,d - 7,4
M,u - 9,5
M,d - 7,4
D,u - 4,6
D,d - [View full text and thread]
Hello I was wondering if anyone could offer any guidance on this question mainly part b thank you in advance!
Consider the following second-price sealed-bid private value auction with two bidders, n=2. Each bidder's private value is [View full text and thread]
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Rules. All players can walk, and run. walking is at a rate of 1 ft per .5 seconds, running at a rate of 3 ft per .5 seconds. No distinction between running facing backwards or forwards. All players are 3 ft apart with a 90% chance [View full text and thread]
Dear friends,
I have troubles solving the following problem:
There are a taxpayer and an inspector. The taxpayer receives income y, drawn from some distribution and decides her tax declaration size - d.
The inspector receives [View full text and thread]
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There are 6 NE in total, 4 pure and 2 mixed. For (seller,buyer), the pure NE are (1,1), (2,2), (3,1) and (3,3), which you can easily check by making a table and underlining best responses.
As for the mixed NE, the buyer should also [View full text and thread]
It is written that computing pure Nash equilibria in congestion games remains PLS-complete also when we restrict to affine delay functions. That is for dr(x) = arx + brx with, ar, br >= 0. Why is that? [View full text and thread]
Would be amazing if somebody could solve this problem for me. I have no clue, to be honest. Here it is:
A seller and a buyer try to agree on the price of a Picasso painting. In the
rest of this exercsie, all the values and [View full text and thread]
Consider a classic signaling game (2 types, 2 actions) à la Spence. Suppose furthermore that there are two equilibria: one pooling, one separating. In the pooling eq., say, both types of senders send "Low". In the separating, the [View full text and thread]
Hi I'm dealing with a problem that has a slight twist to the lion and sheep problem. The problem is as follows
Lions - (1,2 ....K)
Sheeps - (1,2 ....K-1)
Lion choose to ( Eat, not eat) sheep
If k-th lion choose to eat, he becomes [View full text and thread]
This is a game theory question regarding the elections of a condo. [View full text and thread]
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Respond to the question: Can other players payoff in a nonzero? 03/02/2017 04:05 AM by The_Count; Can other player's payoff in a non-zero-sum game effect your choice? | [View full text and thread]
n player has to decide a on fair numerical value x. Let's say this value is fair around f. All player write their value on a piece of paper face down. One of these values are selcted at random to be the actual value of x. But some [View full text and thread]
Hi All!
I was wondering if anyone could help me out with a game theory question:
My game involves two opposing players, M and W.
M’s objective is to pay the smallest amount. W’s objective is to gain the biggest amount.
M [View full text and thread]
Hi, in 1st Semester we have no Game Theory. Nevertheless this subject fascinates me.
My question in solving any matrices (2x2/3x3): As long I do not know, if players play Weak-Dominance --> At 1st: I use [View full text and thread]
Hi Evreryone,
I am strugling to solve the third question of this exam. Can someone help me to solve it?
Basically, when I solve it I only find one NE ( i.e. Lr). This issue is that there are supposed to be many NE. I checked for [View full text and thread]
PLAYERS: A plaintiff and a defendant
1. The plaintiff decides whether to bring suit against the defendant at cost c.
2. The plaintiff makes a take-it-or-leave-it settlement offer of s>0.
3. The defendant accepts [View full text and thread]
I know that for 2x2 games with two strict equilibrium strategies A and B, the risk-dominant equilibrium is the one with a higher product of deviation losses (i.e. what each player would lose by not playing the equilibrium if the other [View full text and thread]
Pakistani wedding dresses [View full text and thread]
Septum piercing pain, dangers and jewelry. [View full text and thread]
Landscaping ideas for front of house are easy to come by, but none of these ideas is actually helpful if you cannot apply them in your home. Let's see how we cam make use of these ideas in a more natural, modern way.
15 Landscaping [View full text and thread]
Dear all,
Suppose I have a game in extensive form as follows. Player 1 moves first and chooses R, M or L. If he chooses R, the game ends. Otherwise, the game reaches a non-trivial inform[ation set of player 2. At this information [View full text and thread]
Consider a game where two players (1,2) chooses between two strategies (A,B). The payoff vectors are: p(A,A)=(1,0), p(B,B)=(0,0), p(A,B)=(2,2), p(B,A)=(2,2).
There are clearly 2 Nash equilibria ((A,B) and (B,A)), but intuitively, only [View full text and thread]
Hello! Newbie here with a quick one for ya..
In Yahtzee (or similar dice game), if a player rolls 6,6,6,5,5 *EARLY in the game*, is it optimal to play 3-of-a-kind for 28, or fullhouse for 25?
Ultimately, the simple objective is to [View full text and thread]
Respond to the question: Trying to figure out if I have a subgam? 06/11/2016 05:03 PM by Phil; Trying to figure out if I have a sub-game perfect equilibrium | Hello,
I am a graduate student writing a paper using game theory. I have attached the normal form game, but am not sure how to interpret the equilibrium. This game player 1 moves first and players 2 and 3 are simultaneous after p1 [View full text and thread]
I want to set up a sequential voting game for 2 persons - voting for candidate 1 or 2 - that takes into account the results of a previous vote. The difference in the previous vote needs to be incorporated into the new game (either in [View full text and thread]
I am not very familiar with game theory, I have a simple question: In several times play(finite of infinite), if the two players' payoff matrices are different in different times, but each player should have to consider the past [View full text and thread]
Respond to the question: Defenders Cooperation Strategies againt? 03/05/2016 05:20 PM by Alex; Defenders' Cooperation Strategies againts an Attacker | [View full text and thread]
[View full text and thread]
Hello, i am having a problem with a Stackelberg problem:
Two companies are selling their fish in a market with inverse demand: P(Q)=100-Q
Company one arrives at 8h and company 2 at 10h. No other competitor. They both have a marginal [View full text and thread]
What is the game called if the utility of players in a coalition depends on players outside its coalition but does not depend on how these players are organized ? [View full text and thread]
Bathroom mirror ideas with creativity [View full text and thread]
A BMR calculator, it accuracy and reliability. [View full text and thread]
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I've written a short game theory article that I believe (perhaps delusionally) to be significant. I am a non-academic, a mathematician who works in industry. I want to try to publish the article somewhere, but I'm not sure where. I [View full text and thread]
Hi all -
I have a little more than a month to write a 10 pages paper on a topic of my choice, and I have so far decided that I would like to write on Guilt Aversion.
If anybody feels like it, I am now looking for some [View full text and thread]
Hello. For my masters thesis, I am attempting to express the emergent geoengineering era for climate change resolution using game theory. Currently International environmental agreements are generally expressed using 2 x 2 games of [View full text and thread]
adsads [View full text and thread]
Imagine a two players game.
Each player has three possible strategies:
- to claim 1
- to claim between 1 and 3 (1 and 3 excluded)
- to claim 3
Now, the payoff matrix is as follows:
x1 = claim of player 1
x2 = claim [View full text and thread]
Please help me with this question [View full text and thread]
You've probably already checked into it but a lot of areas in Counter Strike Global offensive seem to mimic that of areas in Left 4 Dead 1. This could just be lazy developing but when it comes to valve you sometimes gotta stop and [View full text and thread]
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I am playing a game, even though think hard, I haven't find a good strategy. From 8 am to 23 pm, people of Mobile service can send sms to receive an Ipad air. After you send sms, you will receive a message say that you are holding Ipad. [View full text and thread]
I am partner in a Acme inc 250K capital with my cousin. We do OK(?) thank god. Net profit for 2013 85K before tax. we rent two spaces, main space for 18K and B for 6K , we are and were taxed at 30%, landlord tax went from 10% to 20% in [View full text and thread]
I'm really struggling with this, I just don't understand what method to use when thinking about these questions or if I'm doing it right and no matter how many times I read the text I don't know how to apply it to the question.
The [View full text and thread]
There are two players $ N = \{1,2\}$
The players either reach an *agreement* in the set $A$ or fail to reach an agreement in which *disagreement* event $D$ occurs.
Each player has preference ordering $\succeq_i$ over the set $A [View full text and thread]
Is there a game with a unique pure strategy Nash equilibrium, which does not have an ordinal potential? [View full text and thread]
Please help me to complete it ! [View full text and thread]
I recently discovered this game: on the google app store, and it seems a similar concept to a number of other puzzles, where you try and make your opponent be the last [View full text and thread]
Respond to the question: Investment Game 4 players Two decision? 01/18/2014 05:50 AM by Dominik; Investment Game. 4 players. Two decisions each. Nash Equilibira? | Hello,
I try to calculate the nash Equilibria for a relatively complex investment game. There are four players and each player has to decide how much she wants to invest into a and b. Alle player start with the same endowment E = [View full text and thread]
Hi Every body
I am a beginner in Game theory. I modeled a load balancing game as a infinite non cooperative game and estimated the payoff function of players. I wanna know does this payoff fucntion will yield to any Nash equilibrium [View full text and thread]
I'd like help with building this case and a possible solution! Can't figure out how to go about it. I thought I had a matrix, but I can't find a solution. Thank you for the help! [View full text and thread]
Respond to the question: deleting strictly dominated strategies? 10/29/2013 06:14 AM by me; deleting strictly dominated strategies | I would like to know which strategies survive iterative deletion of strictly dominated strategies
A 0, 1 0, 0 10, 4/5
B 3, 1 1, 2 0, 1
C 1, 5/2 [View full text and thread]
I-ve a question concerning a sequential game.
A and B share an apartment and can bargain about its cleaniness. A moves first
and announces his cleaning effort eA 0. B observes A’s decision and chooses eB 0.
Preferences: UA(eA, [View full text and thread]
If both players act like hawks they fight til the end where the victor will receive a payoff of 20 and the loser will loose 40 points. The chance of winning for each player is the same.
If both players choose to act Dovish and [View full text and thread]
I've seen several books on Game theory like Osborne , Osborne and Rubinstein,Tirole and etc .I really need to see and solve challenging problems in game theory(I don't see those books' problems challenging) ,ones that need for example [View full text and thread]
Hi, I'm a graduate student major in math. Recently I've chosen game theory as my research topic. So I started to find a textbook for a beginner like me. What do you think about the classic one, theory of games and economic behavior by [View full text and thread]
In an infinitely repeated prisoners’ dilemma game in which players care only about monetary payoffs, can a NE making cooperation the only observed action happen?
Yes, if players observe the lower payoff from [View full text and thread]
Consider the following game played by two individuals called Row and Column. Row’s monetary payoffs are given by the first number in each cell, Column monetary payoffs are given by the second number in each cell.
[View full text and thread]
how to calculate the value of game if only payoff matrix is given? for example if the matrix is [(2,6),(-2,x)] what is the value of in the game? [View full text and thread]
I have spent about $1000 in parts since 1992 maintaining my own 1982 gas furnace. The life of such a furnace is about 24 +/- 3 years.
Furnace maintenance contracts are about $500/year and a new furnace would be about $3000.
Given [View full text and thread]
Could somebody help me with my game theory homework? :-))
Consider the 2-person Rubinstein model (risk-neutral players dividing a pie) with an outside option. Suppose that there is an ”exogenous risk of breakdown” of renegotiation. [View full text and thread]
IS THIS THE MOST DIFFICULT QUESTION IN GAME THEORY? Please read the below and help if you can. If this is an adaptation of another game please let me know. Thanks [View full text and thread]
I have done my game theory course. But I have found some questions which are a lot more difficult to find nash equilibrium because they include sets! I just want to know how to go about doing them.
For this particular [View full text and thread]
Respond to the question: Can cooperation games be transformed int? 11/01/2012 12:57 PM by Caroline; Can cooperation games be transformed into coordination games? | Good evening!
I'm currently wondering in how far cooperation games can be transformed into coordination games.
More precisely: To attain a better outcome, is it either possible
a) to make some changes WITHIN the game (e.g. [View full text and thread]
Respond to the question: min max order of operations in rubinst? 06/17/2012 12:41 PM by eyec; min max & order of operations in rubinsteins proof of the folk theorem | some of you do probably know rubinsteins 1979 paper "A non-cooperative equilibrium for supergames"
on page 4 he defines a variable v using an equation the order of operations seems not [View full text and thread]
Respond to the question: min max operation in rubinsteins proof? 06/17/2012 07:52 AM by eyec; min max operation in rubinstein's proof of the folk theorem | hi.
some of you do probably know rubinsteins 1979 paper "A non-cooperative equilibrium for supergames"
on page 4 he defines a variable v using an equation the order of operations of [View full text and thread]
Extended version of the Prisoner's Dilemma -- with a donation to charity on your behalf if you participate! [View full text and thread]
Respond to the question: Computing Nash Equilibria for Continuous? 03/14/2012 03:22 AM by Vinay; Computing Nash Equilibria for Continuous games | Hi, Anybody knows simulation softwares or matlab code to compute nash equilibria for continuous games. Thanks [View full text and thread]
Hello everyone,
I have been looking for a name of the following game for over an hour now:
a b
A 1/1 1/5
B 5/1 5/5
Actually the game is so simple there should most certainly be an official term but it won't [View full text and thread]
I'm looking for a metric to describe the value of open source software to its creators and consumers. Apparently the financial benefit to consumers of open source is an externality as far as the behavior of members of an open source [View full text and thread]
Simon Hug (2005, see attachment) offers an extension of Alesina' and Spolore' unidimensional model of decentralisation from "the size of nations" that into account income and tax inequalities between regions
Hug provides a [View full text and thread]
Hi, I need a general condition for the existence of an undominated strategy in a normal form game of n players. Please, where I can find such a theorem? Perhaps if the startegy sets are compact metric spaces, undominated strategies [View full text and thread]
Does subgame perfect equilibrium mean that the event must occur, should occur, or may occur empirically? Does subgame perfect equilibrium allow for the "otherwise, this occurs"? [View full text and thread]
Does subgame perfect equilibrium mean that the event must occur, should occur, or may occur empirically? Does subgame perfect equilibrium allow for the "otherwise, this occurs"? [View full text and thread]
I would really appreciate your help with this problem. I have two players. Player A's payoff function is a function of two choice variables and the other player's move. The second player's payoff function is a function of one choice [View full text and thread]
I'm working on a problem and require a game theory expert / programmer to program a two person game. The game is noncooperative, sequential and has asymmetric information. If someone knows someone who might be appropriate, a referal [View full text and thread]
I'm an academic; teaching business school, where I don't teach game theory. But I'm interested in understanding it more. Can anyone recommend a summer program at a university that I might attend?
Thanks. [View full text and thread]
Can anyone help with this question?
Brad (B) wants to buy a ticket for a sports event via mail order. There are two sellers, an honest seller, Harold (H) and a dishonest seller, Donald (D). Brad knows that one of the sellers is [View full text and thread]
I have a question, and I will be very glad if you will be able to answer it.
When is it better to use the module of Alogrithm of Gale Shapley (besides 'stble marriage')?
In which circumstances this module is better than [View full text and thread]
This question is asking me to find the Nash equilibria given these conditions, but I'm really confused about how to set it up:
Consider a variant of electoral competition on the line that captures features of the US presidential [View full text and thread]
[View full text and thread]
I would like to know if there are any recommended references for multi-player non-cooperative game? Considering more than 3 different players with different objective functions and strategies but payoffs are influenced by each player's [View full text and thread]
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Have you thought about using Wedding Cakes game algorithm with only even numbers like how the well known game was being played many years ago in England during the wedding ceremony?
[View full text and thread]
I came across the following incentive in terms of online traffic school [View full text and thread]
Respond to the question: Signalling Game Need Help with Question? 04/27/2010 04:06 PM by Anon; Signalling Game (Need Help with Question) | I was wondering if someone could help me solve this question:
Brad (B) wants to buy a ticket for a sports event via mail order. There are two sellers, an honest seller, Harold (H) and a dishonest seller, Donald (D). Brad knows that [View full text and thread]
deded [View full text and thread]
Hello there
Could you please let me know if there is any (research) work that enables to transform a set of if-then-else rules into extensive form game [View full text and thread]
Supposons qu'il y a I fermiers, chacun d'eux peut laisser paître ses vaches dans le pré commun. La quantité de lait produit par vache dépends du nombre total de vaches N, broutant dans le pré. Le revenu produit par ni vaches est ni [View full text and thread]
Need your help and hope I would be able to help you! [View full text and thread]
I entered the following game matrix, which came from an analsys of a simplified poker game (I can provide more details if you are intersted.)
It came up with { 0, .125. .625. .25 } as a [View full text and thread]
Two candidates, A and B, compete in an election. Of the n citizens, k support candidate A and m(=n-k) support candidate B. Each citizen decides whether to vote, at a cost, for the candidate she supports, or to abstain. A citizen who [View full text and thread]
I am trying to find some literature on the interactions between game theory and comparative advantage.
Is there any book or article that deals with international trade with the use of game theory?
I have searched on the internet but [View full text and thread]
There is a rough neighborhood with n¡Ý 2 residents. Each resident has to ecide whether to engage in the crime of theft. If an individual chooses to be a thief and is not caught by the police, he receives a payoff of W. If he is caught [View full text and thread]
I have a question concerning the tender procedure. I am searching for any helpful information in the field of games theory that would help to prove that tender procedures are not always the best result.
Could anyone help me [View full text and thread]
Im currently writing a paper on innovation, IPR and competition law in the softwaremarket. One of my main problem statements in the paper is : If there is no promise of monopoly, will there be any incentives to innovate.
I [View full text and thread]
[View full text and thread]
Just wanted to say 'thank you' to David for answering a question I had about the application of Peyton Young's model of conventions to interpersonal trust. Essentially I needed to justify why all trusting/cynical strategies did not [View full text and thread]
I have spoken to a friend who is more familiar with Game Theory than I am. He related to me some research that has been done regarding queuing - that a reason that people stand in lines is because there are external costs associated [View full text and thread]
Respond to the question: Please suggest how Game theory can be ap? 06/15/2009 04:24 AM by name withheld; Please suggest how Game theory can be applied to arrive at ideal offer-counter offer strategy in selling homes | [View full text and thread]
I have faced a problem that I couldn't
solve it. The problem has been described below:
Suppose a dynamic game with following properties:
- There are some long run players in the game.
- There are some players that are not long run [View full text and thread]
Hello, I am sure this is pretty simple, but I am confused on how to convert the extensive-form to normal-form if player 2 has different strategies for each of player 1's strataegies. Do you just leave some feils of the matrix blank? or [View full text and thread]
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Respond to the question: Infinately repeated game Cournot Duopol? 12/08/2008 02:14 PM by JJ; Infinately repeated game; Cournot Duopoly with varying demand | Hi,
I'm covering past paper exam questions and I got totally stumped on this one (File attached). Would anyone be able to guide me, step by step on how to answer this question? I have a general understanding of it, I could do it if [View full text and thread]
In class the following question occured: What does game theory predict in the following problem.
There are 9 players. They simultanously have to choose between option A or option B. The payoff of choosing B is fixed at 5. The [View full text and thread]
I am trying to write an article on Bangladesh Politics. I have developed a simple game theory in order to show the consequences of armed politics in Bangladesh.
Could you please kind enough to have a look at that (attachment), I have [View full text and thread]
I am trying to write an article on Bangladesh Politics. I have developed a simple game theory in order to show the consequences of armed politics in Bangladesh.
Could you please kind enough to have a look at that (attachment), I have [View full text and thread]
I am trying to write an article on Bangladesh Politics. I have developed a simple game theory in order to show the consequences of armed politics in Bangladesh.
Could you please kind enough to have a look at that (attachment), [View full text and thread]
Looking for interns for a fast paced web startup in San Francisco. Please visit the site at if interested [View full text and thread]
This is a very basic question, but one with which I'd really appreciate some pointers.
I'm broadly familiar with what game theory/semantics is - having been introduced informally to some of the concepts around ten years ago in a [View full text and thread]
Dear Folks, me again.
Just another short one. My phd class at bocconi starts next year, so can anybody give me advice which conferences about Psychological Game Theory are worth to visit? My Diploma mein subject did not cover "new" [View full text and thread]
Hey Game Theorie Folks,
just a short one. How can I classify psychological game theory from behavioral game theory? What are the differences?
Can you give me a source where I can check this?
Many thanks.
From Germany, Christian [View full text and thread]
does someone prove that fictitious play converge to nash equilibrium
in n-person (n > 2) zero-sum games ?
elucterio [View full text and thread]
The National Electrical Code is the electrician's bible. Electricians seem to believe that if someone doesn't follow code he/she is doomed.
I have two degrees in electrical/electronic engineering but I am not an electrician. I [View full text and thread]
I want to make a taxonomy of the types of games there exist, with their particular characteristics. I have allready defined some types, but I want to know if you have any information on these theme?
Thank You. [View full text and thread]
Respond to the question: questions about stochastic stable equili? 05/11/2008 07:39 PM by xyang; questions about stochastic stable equilibruim | 1. Is there any difference between ¡®fictitious play¡¯ and ¡®fictitious play property¡¯?
there are still other questions about Peyton Young's book, Individual Strategy and Social Structure.I wrote them in an word file,uploaded [View full text and thread]
Hi, i'm researching for a short paper on the consequences of asmmetric information, focusing on moral hazard, adverse selection or signalling and was hoping someone could direct me to some papers/ journals/websites that had good, [View full text and thread]
Respond to the question: Help on Existance of NE in a two perso? 04/10/2008 07:20 AM by Dror He; Help on Existance of N.E. in a two person zero - sum game. | Hi
The payoff function for the game is enlclosed in the following PDF file.
I have not been able to prove existance of NE.
Anyone have a good Idea? [View full text and thread]
Hello, I'm recently interested in Game Theory and have a fairly basic understanding of the subject, ie. I've worked through some limited game trees, payoffs, dominant strategies, and equilibriums.
I want to explore further into the [View full text and thread]
I need help! Can a 2x2 game where one person has a strictly dominant strategy ever have a mixed strategy Nash equilibrium? [View full text and thread]
Dear Sir,
Although there is much literature on uncertainty in terms of probability, I wondered whether there it is possible in the current economic models to apply uncertainty about the type of consequences.
If there is a actor [View full text and thread]
Hi. Hope someone can answer this. If the industry demand curve is given for a duopoly,and each player in the game seeks to maximise his profit, how does one construct a payoff matrix indicating various levels of profits based on output [View full text and thread]
I admit I don't know what theory you are referring to. I will say that if you are referring to a lottery game (Pick3), then it is not possible to forecast using any pure mathematical method. [View full text and thread]
Respond to the question: Offer to share solutions for Fudenberg o? 12/20/2007 07:43 AM by Bob; Offer to share solutions for Fudenberg or Myerson Book | Hi,
I am about to start working through the Fudenberg Game theory Book, or the Myerson (in fact I have read the first chapter of Myerson and attempted the exercises), and I was wondering if there were any other autodidactics out [View full text and thread]
Hi all,
I would like to ask if somebody already applied the theory on real gaming (like Pick3).
Reading you interesting paper "Conditional Universal Consistency" and other papers like Asymptotic Calibration of D. Foster and Vohra [View full text and thread]
I have A question, concerning Gibbon's '' Game Theory for applied economists''.
I wonder if anybody knows If there is a solution's manual.
Thank you very much. [View full text and thread]
Hello, I have a very simple and dumb question about multistage games (but not enough simple for me). I'm reading Guillermo Owen's "Game theory" text book and at the page 87 he gives such an example:
Suppose tic-tac-toe game.
Step 1: [View full text and thread]
I am having trouble with the following question for The Minimum Unique Positive Integer Game (See the attached pdf file for complete details).
Question #3: Let there be n >= 3 players. If p represents a Nash Equilibrium, show that [View full text and thread]
google [View full text and thread]
[View full text and thread]
Respond to the question: Uniqueness of Quantal Response Equilibri? 06/03/2007 05:25 PM by Anup; Uniqueness of Quantal Response Equilibria | Friends, I just wanted to check if any you can help me with this query. Is a quantal response equilibrium always unique. My understanding from McKelvey and Palfrey (1995) seems to indicate that it is because every action is played with [View full text and thread]
I wanted to know if there exists some game which models "hoarding"
phenomena of economics. (Hoarding : traders pile up stocks to create
artificial demand and increase prices in the market). If so can you kindly
pass me the [View full text and thread]
Were you able to track down the solutions? [View full text and thread]
Does a complete enumeration of conceivable strategies for an sequential game technically include every combination of moves, even if a combination is impossible according to the rules? An example:
Player 1 can play Up or Down
If p1 [View full text and thread]
or how about the core? which of the three would be the best method to figure out the payoffs with? [View full text and thread]
The discount factor is &, where 0 < & < 1. In this game, player 1 makes the first offer. if player 2 rejects this offer, then player 1 makes another offer. If player 2 rejects the second offer, then player 2 makes the final offer. In [View full text and thread]
What is the rule of Jeopardy for the last question of the show? Does everybody have to answer it? Or only one? [View full text and thread]
My question is, which of the two economic factors, income and cost/price, lead or lag during the balancing dynamics of budgeteering. That is, does income rise/fall before prices, or do prices rise/fall before income tries to [View full text and thread]
What is the meaning of “The game has depth 2”?
Who moves first or simultaneously?
[View full text and thread]
From the payoff matrix, we can find there exist two stage pure strategy NE. They are (T,L) and (M,C) with payoff (13,13) and (5,5) respectively. The stage game plays twice. Certainly, for any Subgame Perfect NE, at the last stage [View full text and thread]
One kind of Asymmetric equilibrium is as following:
for one donor: contribute nothing regardless of his own value;
the other donor: D(v)=0, if v [View full text and thread]
Hello Everyone,
I'm really struggling with this material. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Without further ado:
Consider the following game. Two doners, A and B, are contributing to a fund drive to finance a binary public [View full text and thread]
Give one player A plays the tit-for-tat strategy, if the other player B plays tit-for-tat strategy, B gets 8/(1-delta); if B defects, B gets 9+delta*8/(1-delta). As long as 8/(1-delta)>9+delta*8/(1-delta), that is delta>1/7, both [View full text and thread]
I'll be very thankful if you concern this:
The core -by definition of Osborn's book- is the set of payoff vectors for all playes which no other group of players improve upon. i.e. no other geoup can provide more payoffs for all [View full text and thread]
If two players play the tit-for-tat strategy in the infinitely repeated prisoner's dilemma. Are there discount factor values for which both players playing Tit-for-Tat constitute a Nash Equilibrium and a subgame perfect [View full text and thread]
Consider the following stage game, which is to be played twice in succession (this is a repeated game with T=2.) How many pure strategy subgame perfect equilibria are there?
Normal Form:
Player 1 strategy set: {T, M, B}
Player 2 [View full text and thread]
What might game theory have to say about conspiracy theories or, more generally, situations where secrecy may offer a competitive advantage? Are there general types of conspiracies that game theory can rule out as untenable (analogous [View full text and thread]
[View full text and thread]
[View full text and thread]
Does anyone knoe where I can get the solutions to Osborne's Introduction to Game Theory? For all excercises, not just the selected ones published on his website. [View full text and thread]
First of all, it might be better to distinguish discount rate from discount factor. Discount rate = 1 - Discount factor.
If the probability of death were 0 and the discount rate were d, the present value is x = p + x*( 1 - d ). This [View full text and thread]
Drawing payoff matrix for A and B, according to the definition of dominant strategy: one strategy is better than any other strategies for one player, no matter how that player's opponents may play, the dominant strategy for A is putting [View full text and thread]
I think you mean to find the dominant strategy: one strategy is better than any other strategies for one player, no matter how that player's opponents may play. It is a unique best response for one player to any strategies for that [View full text and thread]
I am studying game theory at university and have an exam in 2 weeks, unfortuntely my professor has not been at all helpful since he is overworked..hence I am starting to panic slightly and getting really baffled by stuff that I imagine [View full text and thread]
I'm a writer working on a story for an IT services trade association on advanced sales & marketing practices. My elementary understanding of game theory -- understanding the behavior and actions of parties in a situation in which their [View full text and thread]
Please refer to the introduction by David K. Levine [View full text and thread]
If I have to find a unique best response for player 1 to any belief for player 2, what does this mean? Do I have to find a specific strategy which will work for any strategy that player 2 plays, or can it simply be a function of player [View full text and thread]
Hi Everyone, I need some help for a problem I'm facing for one of my classes. I'm supposed to use the Game Theory for a specific problem in Political Science. However, I didn't have any idea about the game theory, but i could finally [View full text and thread]
I submitted the following matrix to the zero-sum game solver:
0 ,-0.6666667 ,-0.6666667 , 0 , 0 , 0.6666667 , 0.6666667
0.6666667 , 0 ,-0.3333333 , 0 , 0.3333333 , 0.6666667 , 1
0.3333333 , 0.3333333 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , [View full text and thread]
Brief me in the topic please and give some references. It's urgent. Thanks [View full text and thread]
what is game theory? [View full text and thread]
I am studying about the applications of game theory in energy issues, I would be very thankful if you send me any related resources (books, papers and any other documents). thank you very much [View full text and thread]
Dear all, I would like to know about game theory in use. Was there any monopoly behaving by course of this theory? I am a student of economics and your answer would help me strongly. Thank you. [View full text and thread]
Anyone knows where can i get the solutions of the book an introductory of GAme theory applied for economics by Robert Gibbons . Thank you very much [View full text and thread]
Dear all,
I am an economist and have little knowledge about game theory. Currently I am analysing what whent wrong in an election and wnat to analyse the behaviour of different players (ruling party, opposition party, electorates and [View full text and thread]
I checked out the website: and didn't find any information on a PhD program in game theory. It appears that pursing a degree in Economics may be necessary with a dissertation on some aspect of game theory. [View full text and thread]
information about queuing theory (history,definition,its uses)and some examples in banks and insurance companies. [View full text and thread]
Hi, I m trying to do some research on the rationality of the existence of Boards of Directors from a game theoretic point of view. Since most of the literature views the problem from the contraction theory side, i cant find any [View full text and thread]
The game seems to be some kind of "battle of sexes" game, since the payoff matrix looks like follwing
Pass Dont Pass
Pass 0 / 0 2 / 1
Dont Pass 1 / 2 0 / 0
If 1 passes and 2 [View full text and thread]
I'm a post grad student at the University of Sydney looking at the application of Game Theory to the relationship between project feasibility consultants (the agent) and the person who has commissioned the work (the principal). [View full text and thread]
I have a problem with repeated game solving. Can anybody help me? [View full text and thread]
I am applying to Cambrige for an undergraduate course in economics. I would like to read some books about game theory. Which one is suitable for my level?
Thx for help [View full text and thread]
is there a way to find the bayesian perfect equilibria (pooling, semi-separating, separating) when there are many types? i know how to figure it out when there are two types (i.e. whether the person is a wimp or tough in the [View full text and thread]
I am teaching a course in Mangerial Economics. I wonder if anyone can point out a relatively simple example of a continuous "regular" two-factor production function which yields the property of the usual textbook case of [View full text and thread]
Hi, my name isi Irina Cristescu and i am a student in the 4th year of study at the Faculty of Psychology. This year i must elaborate a final diploma paper, and i have decided to study Game Theory in Psychology, especially in the domain [View full text and thread]
HI, I am working on my doctoral dissertation (finance) right now, the topic is
about business financing. I would like to use Game theory to explain the relationship between Bank and Business, the relationship between stock, bond [View full text and thread]
Is this true
If A= 3 x 3 matrix is strictly determined if and only if A tranpose is a stricly determined matrix.
Looking for help please.
Thanks Matt [View full text and thread]
Hi, does anybody know anything about the class of games that contains the following? Consider 2 players that want to pass through a door. They try to pass at discrete time t=0,1,.... Their available strategies at every unit of time are [View full text and thread]
I solved the problem by myself (fudenberg & maskin (1991)) Thanx anyway [View full text and thread]
See Lo (2000), Economic Theory if you are talking about the Knightian Uncertainty. [View full text and thread]
Hi i am looking for a real life example of an infinte undiscounted-repeated game with incomplete information and perfect obseravtion. Can anybody help me ? I am waiting for your responses. Cheers..
[View full text and thread]
Can anyone help me to fin some readings about 'currency crisis' related to gsme theory?
i'd like to know what is the relations between the government and Soros(or other players) in the crisis game.
[View full text and thread]
What is the current state of reserch in ambiguity in decision making for auctions? Has anyone looked formally into issues that drive bidder behavior when the assurance of symmetry is ambiguous? Following maskin and riley's (2000) work [View full text and thread]
at his website [View full text and thread]
i'm searching for a topic for a master degree and i need to know which feilds i can apply game theory easily specially in developing coutries as egypt and wat are the working papers that was previously done in this field can anyone guid [View full text and thread]
Hi, I'm looking any information to the topic: What it the expected revenue of the second price auction if there is two biders with uniformally distributed ([0;1])value of the auctioned item. [View full text and thread]
Respond to the question: Does anyone knows where and how to get O? 06/07/2005 06:01 AM by student; Does anyone knows where and how to get Osborne's Solutions for his "Introduction to Game Theory"? Thanks | [View full text and thread]
excercise [View full text and thread]
Would you please inform me about the most important "happenings" in the field of game theory from 1994-2005 including new ideas, very important books,very important papers,... ? [View full text and thread]
Can someone explain to me what a dominant strategy is?
A scenario: two students are doing an assignment together and both get the same grade regardless of effort. Difference between them: student A likes to get high marks, student B [View full text and thread]
I have two questions:
First is it true that if a zero-sum game has value v, then subtracting 1 from each entry in the first row will create a game with value between v and v-1 (equal to is acceptable)?
Secondly, if a zero-sum game has [View full text and thread]
I would like to have some references on the game similar to Iterated N-Person Prisoner's Dilemma. The game has N players. Each player plays repeated games with a set of players which is subset of N. Each player can remove players from [View full text and thread]
With the following game:
1/2 D E F
A 1, 0 0, 0 0, 0
B 0, 0 1, 0 0, 0
C 1, 0 1, 0 1, 0
Is there mixed strategy dominance for player 1? I originally thought that choosing (0, 0, [View full text and thread]
If you had any luck on finding a manual or a substitute, will you please let me know? I am desperately searching, but no luck... [View full text and thread]
If God had devised a means to exploit Man for his own benefit, would it make sense, using the principles of game theory, for him to play by one set of rules while telling Man to play by another? Let us assume for a moment that God is [View full text and thread]
hi, can anyone tell me a good, easy game theory that i could explain and present to a class? something that they could do hands on. college students. thank you [View full text and thread]
can someone help me with this question:
Explain how a firm trying to reduce its transaction exposure can use currency diversification [View full text and thread]
Could you help me with some information about where can I find some courses, applications, articles about game theory on auto market. PLZZZ [View full text and thread]
if u read/heard this
and saw that and thought that would u know this...knowing this becomes/is reality/&/truth [View full text and thread]
Hi, I want to start with game-theoretic modelling for my research in political economy. Is there some good book for beginners, teaching how to go about it? Thanks! [View full text and thread]
go to, a very useful site for students
[View full text and thread]
I am a research student and currently doing research into both decision thoery and game theory. Attached is a word document regarding the problem i face and the game tree which i am not so sure about.
1) Must a perfect bayesian [View full text and thread]
Why is the utility function as U=F(X,Y),but not Ux=f(x),Uy=f(y) ?
I wonder U=F(X,Y) is a fundamental mistake,as I thought the utility is strictly rely on the "way of consume" , any kind of commodity, could not be substitute by the [View full text and thread]
section 2.7 on Common Knowledge. [View full text and thread]
Hello, dear friends!
I have problems with settling one prolem
Maybe anyone of you can help me?
i will appreciate any help. Thanks in advance
Here's the problem.
A new studio for repairing of TVsets is being built in one [View full text and thread]
there are 5 players to this game, and each player gets 30 coins. the players play
1 0n 1 in a round robin format, playing each other player. the game consists of covertly putting your 30 coins into 3 columns of any size, then [View full text and thread]
Could somebody suggest a good reference describing exponential utility function? Moreover is it possible to explain what exactly is second-order stochastic dominance? I come from another field and any help will be valuable. [View full text and thread]
I have been involved in a sometimes heated discussion about casino games such as craps and blackjack and video poker and whether or not they are zero sum games.
My belief is that they are NOT because the casino is the bank and [View full text and thread]
Ok, they are 7 men who are hung. If there were only 1, her wife of the adulterer would know it inmediately, since she would observe 0 adulteries knowing there has been one. If there were 2 adulteries, each of the wifes would observe 1 [View full text and thread]
Sorry, but (Call, Not Call) and (Not Call, Call) are both NE in pure strategies, it is a special case of an anticoordination game. [View full text and thread]
haha I'm pretty sure the answer is yes [View full text and thread]
Since in a casino games like craps, the house always has an advantage. Does casino banked craps constitute a "zero sum game". Thanks [View full text and thread]
Hey everyone. I have chosen to do my paper for my International Trade and Finance class about the game theory and it's impact on international economics. This is an introductory paper and will not be very in depth. I am having a hard [View full text and thread]
I have come across a question that has temporarily stumped me:
There is a kingdom, with a number of couples living in the kingdom. On day 0, the king announces that some men in the kingdom have committed adultery, and that [View full text and thread]
I have a problem and an incomplete answer to it. If there's anyone who can find a solution to it, please post it on the website. Here it is
“A boy was hit by a car and is lying on the road, hurt. The driver ran away and 5 people [View full text and thread]
You might find something you could use in a chapter I co-wrote a few years ago. It is a little hard to find but it was:
Brechner, K.C. and Linder, D.E. A Social Trap Analysis of Energy Distribution Systems. in Baum & J. E. Singer [View full text and thread]
I am looking for too. If you have any news please let me know. I'll do the same.
[View full text and thread]
I wrote a little allegory which is about how the prisoner's dilemma applies to a certain situation, and how things might be "fixed". It is at
The "punch line"....where you find out [View full text and thread]
I am a 12th grader in a specialized learning center for science and engineering. Our senior research project is in the field of "mathematical curiosities". We decided to delve into game theory, and specifically election theory (with the [View full text and thread]
In a one task moral hazard, it has been shown repeatedly that the Lagrange mulitplier linked to the IC constraint is positive. The interpretation of this sign is clear to me.
Suppose however if have now a multi-task problem and that [View full text and thread]
I would be really thankful if somebody could help me with question, if I can use barrier or penalty functions for describing utility functions of players. Is it correct from the math point of view? Where I could read about this topic [View full text and thread]
pls give me informations about selling at profit in a mixed economy [View full text and thread]
i dont know what classification of game i have in mind that's why i dont know also what game theory should be applied. the game have one human player only. it is like a story game wherein the player will embark on the journey to defeat [View full text and thread]
Suppose a repeated PD has an umpire that threatens to stop the game when both players do not cooperate and force a cooperative solution. This is the case of benevolent dictator! Could also be the case for US intervention in Afghanistan [View full text and thread]
I would like to know why (how or if) game theory is important to business economics. [View full text and thread]
This sounds to me might be a game theory problem:
I have ten banks to choose from each time I trade a currency pair. Everytime I can request quote from 4 banks. Can I predict who might be the best 4 banks I should request quote from [View full text and thread]
Assignment Problem is an optimization problem often taught in Operation research courses. It is simple efficiently allocating certain jobs to certain servers or machines so as to minimize time or cost. [View full text and thread]
What I suppose you mean is whether the zero sum status stays always. Not really. For instance, I would excercise the option I bought only if I am going to profit. But the short or long position of the the person who has sold the option [View full text and thread]
im doing an exam in advanced economic theory in 2 weeks and can't get my head around game theory. is there a better text than kreps' "a course in microeconomic theory" because that makes absolutely no sense to me! i'm not the most [View full text and thread]
what is assigment problem [View full text and thread]
I'm trying to use game theory to solve a problem that can described as follows:
A buyer wants to assemble a work. The whole work is composed of n pieces, which are owned by n people (one person has one piece). The buyer has to buy [View full text and thread]
Yes it was posted wrong - Your version is correct [View full text and thread]
How can i use game theory models for farm planing?
[View full text and thread]
1. The Marginal Revenue Curve of a Monopolistic market is downward sloping while that of a Perfect Competition is horizontal ----- Why? Explain.\
2. What will be the effect on National Income when an increase in Govt. Expenditure is [View full text and thread]
one person gives a number of 3 or 4 digets you write a number other person adds a number to their number and you do math to equal the sum of their final number to show your original number. how is this done?
[View full text and thread]
A very good one is Allan Drazen's "Political Economy in Microeconomics". Although it basically deals with the effects of political institutions, some of the techniques it uses are very interesting
[View full text and thread]
can you kindly feed me with how to apply the game theory on political issues. just a run down on game theory [View full text and thread]
This is a website that is causeing much controversy, see what you think, [View full text and thread]
HI! I'm a management engeenering student and for my degree thesis I'm working on the "game theory applied to the new free energy market. If you have same material, please send it to me to my e-mail [View full text and thread]
Hi, pls help me, since I'm very new in game theory.
S (1) (2) (3) (1,2) (1,3) (2,3) (1,2,3)
v(S) 0 0 0 1 2 2 3
1. How to prove that v is superadditive and monotone, but not convex?
2. How to calculate Core, [View full text and thread]
Does anyone know of a solutions manual to the Robert Gibbons: Game Theory for applied economists book? Or even if not a manual, is there like a powerpoint/pdf with the text problems worked out?
Desperately seeking answers! [View full text and thread]
Respond to the question: Game TheoryGraphical Solution Procedure? 11/26/2003 10:36 AM by Al; Game Theory-Graphical Solution Procedure | I am an Ind. Eng. student and need to prove why y*=0 (in reference to subject line). All I know is that y*=0 because y*>0 would violate the next-to-last equation.
I know that this has to do with the proof for the Optimal Mixed [View full text and thread]
Check out its a very very cgood and comprehensive listing of the best schools within the phiosophical realm not only in the US, but in the world. Search by subject, they have schools listed by the best for [View full text and thread]
I am studing master degree & I have an economy subject . I cannot under stand the termnology of this subject like :cost-benefit , surplus ,opportunity cost , marginal benefit & cost ,average cost ,absolute advantage , comparative [View full text and thread]
Hi! I'm making a theatre performance on foreigners. There are mechanisms which work in accepting them or not. How should a foreigner behave to be accepted in another culture, to became an Überforeigner? [View full text and thread]
Is Equality and Freedom a Zero Sum Game? [View full text and thread]
Please let me know if there are any known methods or algorithms that maximuize payoffs for a simple 2 player non zero sum game similar to the prisoners dilemma.
This is for a game that is played over 1000 times in the normal form
[View full text and thread]
Could anybody give a short comment on "A Primer in Game Theory: by Robert Gibbons? I am a biginner. [View full text and thread]
How can game theory be used to analyze an individual's decision to
buy life insurance or not? [View full text and thread]
I´m not quite sure if this is the right forum, but anyway. here we go. I´m desperately trying to find links or mailing lists related to game theory in germany. this could be links to universities where it´s possible to go for a phd in [View full text and thread]
Deviations from coalition-proof equilibria (as defined by Peleg, Bernheim, Whinston) must be coalition-proof to deviations by subgroups of the deviating coalition. We want to consider an alternative equilibrium that is coalition-proof [View full text and thread]
You can find helpful websites from the links page here. [View full text and thread]
yes there are theories modelling n number of players using an alternative function called the replacement function............. [View full text and thread]
If I want to find the active scientists in recent 20 years on game theory? which is the efficient way? anyone could help? [View full text and thread]
Trying to find texts on or methods regarding two-player zero-sum games where nature affects the results. [View full text and thread]
Hi. I have a final in a little over 12 hours and was hoping someone could define for me what exactly a stackelberg duopoly is. [View full text and thread]
how can game theory be applied to stock market [View full text and thread]
Hi, i'm a univerity student, i need to know if there are any writen theory about 3 players game theory (John Nash). I will appreciate an answer ASAP.
Thanks [View full text and thread]
Pls help me , I have a question: if the market is complete , there have not any incomplete information? if the market is incomplete,there have incomplete market? thanks a lot [View full text and thread]
I am writing a workbook for MBA Buisness and Management Program and looking for some new games for case studies at home. [View full text and thread]
Very elementary Q: In a microecon book that I am reading, a production function is a function of K (capital), L (labour), and etc. I guess this is a gross oversimplification for the sake of pedagogy, but what is really the meaning of [View full text and thread]
Respond to the question: Rubinstein stahl divide the pie bargain? 04/07/2003 08:23 PM by Amad; Rubinstein- stahl divide the pie bargaining model | There are two playes, 1 and 2. player 1's utility payoff is 20- x. and 2's is x. Player 1 wants to pay a car from playere 2. if playere 2 does not selle his car he gets payoff of 5. Both palyers have diccount factor of .8. Suppose [View full text and thread]
i would like to know abut the different application of game theory in industry,agriculture & economy? [View full text and thread]
The human mating arena is one of the most competitive of all human contests.
The payoffs are high enough to start wars. Male preferences in a mate can literally be predicted. Female's preferences in a mate cannot. (In spite of what [View full text and thread]
Thanks very much, that's just the kind of thing I was looking for. It's sort of a modified Prisoner's Dilemma. [View full text and thread]
If some one has a ticket in a drawing, currently 1 of 12 with maximum of 20 tickets available. The prize being 2 million dollars. what is the probalitiy of that ticket being drawn, or the value if you wanted to sell it? Help [View full text and thread]
Hmm listening in these particular lectures doesn't seem to help as the lecturer kept on getting the example he showed wrong even when trying to fix it to work! Doesnt really help. [View full text and thread]
Superimposed Schedules of Reinforcement Applied to Rent Control
Rent control can have many different types of the controls applied, but primarily it places restrictions on the owner to fix the rental rate of property, and fix the [View full text and thread]
Does any one know some literature about Nash-Stackelberg game.
I would be very grateful for a response. [View full text and thread]
I am wondering how I would go about maximising a (generalized)Nash bargaining with side constraints, e.g. max{x-y}{y-z} s.t. y>=p where y is the variable to be maximised?
Regards, Andreas [View full text and thread]
I am attempting to do research on applying game theory to the stock market. Can a relationship be shown between market efficiency theory and game theory? Have there been any studies down on the stock market and the use of game theory? [View full text and thread]
Last msg didnt work too well how should I solve the following 3x3 matrix games
2 0 1
0 -1 3
1 2 3
1 1 2
0 2 0
2 0 0
Not linked together, is there any online text which could show me the method.
Thanks in [View full text and thread]
Do you think it makes sense to model tax evasion games in evolutionary framework? Is there such research? Where can I find it? [View full text and thread]
I would like you to consider a repeated Bertrand framework
with n ≥ 2 firms. The common discount factor is δ < 1, and the firms have constant marginal costs c. The market demand at time t is qt = µtD(pt), where µδ < 1 [View full text and thread]
How can game theory be applied to rent control? [View full text and thread]
Can you please explain how to find a maximin strategy pair when you have a matrix such as the following, with more than 2 choices for both player A and player B? Thanks
A/B B1 B2 B3
A1 17 1 0
A2 0 1 8
A3 [View full text and thread]
Imagine 2 Chinese high tech firms making a near identical widget. Assume that via the cost structures, they can hire a large # of employees at low cost, also as they compete, they lower the profit margins and are happy to do so at [View full text and thread]
Hi guys, I came across the I.O. Theory Village at and thought this might be of interest to some of you.
[View full text and thread]
Please help with understanding initial viability. I have a definition: If strategy x is viable, then y cannot be ESS.
When I look at the game matrix, since ESS are on the main diagonal, then initial viability is off the [View full text and thread]
Would you mind suggest a book or a comprehensive text about game theory and macro economics. I am a master student of economics in Marmara University which is in Istanbul-Turkey. It will not be any matter if it is mathematical. [View full text and thread]
The statement: "Because price equals long run average cost and profits are zero, a monopolistically competitive firm is efficient." Do you agree or disagree? Please explain. [View full text and thread]
Did Arthur Anderson use the "game theory" of John Nash or the political theory of Macioveli? If either, where can I find websites containing this information? [View full text and thread]
Please consult some textbooks for applications of game theory, for example, 'Game Theory for Applied Economists' (1992, Princeton University Press) by R. Gibbons might be a readable text among others. Also, 'Thinking Strategically: A [View full text and thread]
Recently in my Microeconomics class, I was arguing that in some cases you can alter the Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility. The argument I gave was in terms of complementary items. Rather than an item losing Total Utility from [View full text and thread]
can you give me some infomation about the relation between teory game and marketing
thank you for your cooperation [View full text and thread]
What is the best strategy for a bidder in the "automatic extensions" portion of an reverse auction? My goal is to finish just above the winning bidder, while avoiding pushing the bidding lower unnecessarily. [View full text and thread]
i was wondering if anyone can tell me how the game theory relates to the story "The Most Dangerous Game"?
It would be very helpful. thank you [View full text and thread]
Both solution concepts extend subgame perfection to dynamic games of incomplete information. Although they are similar and sometimes identical in some simple games, sequential equilibrium differs from PBE in imposing more restrictions [View full text and thread]
A Reference among others: Chapter 3 in Fudenberg and Levine, "The Theory of Learning in Games" (1998, MIT Press) and the references at the end of the chapter. [View full text and thread]
Since we have 3 players in this game, we need to make three 3x3 matrices. The usual trick is to have "I" a row player(whose available actions-choice of color- are rows in each matrix), "II" a column player(whose available choices are [View full text and thread]
Following Harsanyi, games with incomplete information about the other player's type (cost, valuation, characteristic, etc.) can be modeled and analyzed with games with imperfect information about Nature's move (we pretend that Nature [View full text and thread]
What is the difference between Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium and Sequencially equilibrium? [View full text and thread]
I am in need of some information/insights on the application of game theory to religion. I have general knowledge of game theory but do not know much beyond the surface principles and terms. [View full text and thread]
Suppose there are $n$ players, each having an information $d_i = d_i' + x_i$,
where $d_i'$ is a real number, and $x_i$ is a random variable (e.g. uniformly
distributed in [0,epsilon]). This is to model that player $i$ knows [View full text and thread]
I need matrix representations of different evolutionary games. Can anybody send me some or tell me where to get them from? [View full text and thread]
I am interested in a PhD focussing on Game Theory / Decision Theory in the US. Can someone give me some help about choosing the right Universities ? [View full text and thread]
i just started learning what game theory is, how does mathmatics apply to game theory? give me and example? [View full text and thread]
One of the most overused arguements for the use of public money for economic development is that alleged fact that the investment/subsidy multiplies. Over the years, proponents of the multiplication theory have been forced to [View full text and thread]
Has anyone made the connection between State Economic Development Policy and Game Theory? I have been looking at data from Texas, Tennessee, Mississippi and Kentucky and find virtually no difference in the rate of per capita income [View full text and thread]
I am not quite clear what you are saying. You may consult a new book on game theory by Ritzberger, who discusses rigorously different game forms and transformations between them. [View full text and thread]
Just wondering if the normal form of an extensive game can have a null set in the case of a strategy that can't be completed...? [View full text and thread]
I need help solving a 3x3 problem. Three girls have a choice between three different dresses for prom:Black, Lavender, Peach. The payoffs are as follows:
Girl "I" loves black, with a payoff of 3, and Lavender or Peach provide her with [View full text and thread]
Dear Fellows,
I maybe at the wrong place, but with my little economic background (and the theory of games we did study at the Jesuits' French University in Beirut Lebanon during 1966-71), I believe some of you guys could help me [View full text and thread]
I am studying game theory as master degree. I examine linkage between asymetric information and game theory. I assume that we have two firms or countries or people. If one of siders have imperfect information at the other hand the [View full text and thread]
This is a response to a thread by Johnny dated 09/03/2002 08:51 PM. If I would like to focus on game theory and AI, I would have a look at Interactive Epistemology, complexity in games as well as learning in games.
Interactive [View full text and thread]
This is a response to a thread by Kai, 08/29/2002 11:07 AM. I am not sure what you mean but bargaining games with continous strategy sets in extensive form can be drawn easly. You may want to look at Osborne/Rubinstein "Bargaining and [View full text and thread]
I want to focus in the field of artificial intelligence with a specific in games theory... What subject or topics do i need to study? or what course do i have to take? Thanks for any reply. [View full text and thread]
What you are saying is abour "so-called" focal point that usually refers to characteristics of the situation not captured by the model itself. For more details, refer to Schelling (1960), "The strategy of conflict." [View full text and thread]
Respond to the question: continious stradegies drawn in extensive? 08/29/2002 11:07 AM by Kai; continious stradegies drawn in extensive form? | I heard about a possibility of drawing a game with continious strategy sets in extensive Form. Can anybody show me how or give me the name of a book where I can find it? [View full text and thread]
Okay. Here's my question: if a couple were to meet at New York, but in their excitement, forget where their meeting place is, what would the equilibium/equilibria be if the payoff matrix below gives the players' preferences?
[View full text and thread]
Can there exist a system that increases value and price via an exchange, without the forces of supply and demand? Can that system be able to use the opposite forces of speculation and persuasion to increase profits while adding value to [View full text and thread]
to whomsoever it may concern,
i am a student from india majoring in economics, and would like a reply to my question,"what was john nash's contribution to the game theory?" thank u
urs faithfully,
kainaz photographer [View full text and thread]
I am looking for following article of the International Review of Game Theory:
V. Lapitsky, On Some Categories of Games and Corresponding Equilibria , Volume 1, Number 2, June 1999, 169-186
link: [View full text and thread]
This is a reply to Man-Chung Ng's reply on my message "Function maximized in Nash Equilibrium?"
Thanks for the reference. This paper you suggest uses indeed category theory in a much more sophisticated way than I do. Therefore I am [View full text and thread]
what do you think about my questions which are related first Job interview and the second job choice which related your money [View full text and thread]
The idea in your short paper is not new at all. Solution concepts can be obtained as some kind of limit.
Spyros Vassilakis has worked on similar problems ten years ago. I suggest that you may take a look at one of his papers, "Some [View full text and thread]
I have some questions regarding games with generalized ordinal potential.
1. Is there a general characterization of games having a generalized ordinal potential?
Potential games were characterized by Monderer/Shapley, GEB 1996. [View full text and thread]
I would be greatful for any insights some of you would like to share on the above sublect. What forms of commitment are available and hw do they influence the enterant. [View full text and thread]
It is well known that Lucas back in 1969 gave an example of a constant sum
cooperative superadditive game with no stable set (s.s.) at all. This example
came almost as a relief, since examples of games with incresingly complexity [View full text and thread]
Is there any work on the characterization of a function that is maximized in pure-strategy Nash equilibria (if they exist) for any strategic game with countable action space?
I don't mean potential functions, weighted potential [View full text and thread]
Hi! does anyone know some literature about improving Value at Risk Methods with 0-sum games Theory ??
I am a graduating student who heard about improving Value At Risk methods by a "new" way of understanding the Financial Risk. The [View full text and thread]
I am confused on exactly what game theory is and how it applies to the matrix theory. Please help [View full text and thread]
My name is Dr. Otto Muenchow. I am a pediatrician here in the Los Angeles area. I have always been facinated with the particular subject of Game Theory. I have not really had the time to pursue reading material on the [View full text and thread]
Could you please advise me as to where I can find information about game theory within the petrol industry. [View full text and thread]
There is no dominant strategy equilibrium or pure strategy Nash equilibrium.
However, the (simultaneous move) game has a mixed strategy equilibrium. Consult any undergraduate microeconmics book or game theory text to figure out what [View full text and thread]
Hi can anyone recommend a good recent finance paper written on signalling? [View full text and thread]
If I'm not mistaken, it would seem that mathematical modeling uses game theory (to some degree). A supply and demand delima(sp) of sorts. Here's a link on of an example: .
Cheerio. [View full text and thread]
1. I'm after a finance paper that deals extensively with signalling, as in one detailed example. I've read Akerlof, but its not detailed enough.
2. Are there any interesting finance areas that signalling has not been applied to? [View full text and thread]
What about GT application in shipping industry,bearing in mind that more different agents (ports,shipping lines,shipping agents,multimodal operators,etc.) could interact ?
Thank you
Francesco Ghio
Livorno-ITALY [View full text and thread]
I can't speak about the economics side, but if you plan on explaining minimax diagrams, use the example everyone does of Tic-Tac-Toe, it's simple yet very explainatory. [View full text and thread]
Many papers in corporate finance(corporate governance) take agency-theory approach. For example you can visit and find papers at
I don't know much about the papers [View full text and thread]
The following book may help you regarding weakness of Game Theory.
Kreps, David M., Game Theory and Economic Modelling, Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1990 [View full text and thread]
Can people apply game theory to expalin why some firms are willing to hedge risk, but others aren't? [View full text and thread]
I would appreciate any insight regarding the theory's weaknesses or limitations. [View full text and thread]
I am a museum educator looking to develop an economics program for grades 4-8, and I would like to incorporate game theory into the program. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to make it more... accessible? I have a minor in [View full text and thread]
[View full text and thread]
The first 2D UnrealTournament-like : Amok
My homepage : [View full text and thread]
Hello Everyone
I am looking for articles/ books that describe the modelling of n-person-games. I would be really grateful if one of you could help, because all I can find are 2 or 3-person games, which doesn't help me with my analysis. [View full text and thread]
[View full text and thread]
What do you guys (and girls) think about a thesis topic, that deals with the willingness of people to pay NOT to hear a musician/band again? I thought of this when Sony offered Mariah Carey $55m to get out of their multi-album deal. Do [View full text and thread]
What is the relationship between Nash Game theory and Economics ? [View full text and thread]
Here are some answer to your questions about game theory:
Dixit and Nalebuff's book is a nice introduction to game theory with lots of examples.
Luce and Raiffa's was published in 1957. It is very technical. I don't recomend it. [View full text and thread]
I've got a project to do for my final year in Computer Science.
The subject is as follows: Web-based games are becoming popular these days. Study the psychology of designers, players, architecture, tool and games. Design and implement [View full text and thread]
Respond to the question: Please explain the principles of economi? 12/04/2001 03:52 AM by rob; Please explain the principles of economic theory.Thanks | Even more helpfull would be to do with the context of the magazine industry [View full text and thread]
I was thinking the other day that game theory is not the best name for a widely used theorem. What do other people think of calling it "reflex economics"? [View full text and thread]
the question is,are joint ventures are unsuccessful? answer the question by playing a joint venture game. it should include a payoff matrix and nash equilibrium [View full text and thread]
I was given the following question for homework, and I'm having some trouble with it.
Each of two players receives a ticket on which there is a number in the interval [0,1]. The number is the size of the prize that the player might [View full text and thread]
please could you send me information to help me write my report on 'game theory'-including what it is,how it relates to the theory of oligopoly and uses of game theory.cheers [View full text and thread]
Hello, I'm an MBA student taking a course in "Strategic Management". The case that I have been asked to analyze is that of the "Shark Repellent," a widely-known case in Game Theory. I need to understand how the take-over was actually [View full text and thread]
12 November 2001
Dear Dr. Levine,
I am an eighth grader at The Buckley School in New York City. My math teacher has assigned a research paper due in three weeks. We are to choose a theory in mathematics. I have chosen game [View full text and thread]
how does game theory help us analyse entry conditions? [View full text and thread]
What is Economic theory? Could you please explain, thanks. [View full text and thread]
When I was in grade school a teacher taugh economics and social studies using a game called "Guns and Butter." Has anyone ever heard of a 'guide book' for teachers to introduce students to the idea in game form? Everything seemed so [View full text and thread]
can trinidad and tobago be categorized as a mixed economy? [View full text and thread]
I've made a test two weaks ago and they've asked us to solve two exercises. One was the solution of war of attrition game and the other was the "fight for an island" game (both from Rubinstein & Osborne's book). When I draw the [View full text and thread]
I m a morrocan student a prepar my Doctrat in game theory ,spcially in:"justice theory".
plase if you can give me some informations & bibliography .I m Thinking you.
[View full text and thread]
Minimising the other company's profit may be a WAY to drive it out of the market. But the final GOAL of a company is maximize profits. Or at least that is a very good aproximation to what they do.
[View full text and thread]
You can look at "Fun and Games" by Ken Binmore. THe last chapter of the book is something about the poker. [View full text and thread]
Does anyone know where I can find some info (journal articles etc.) on game theory in relation to international cooperation regarding the Kyoto Agreement? Any forthcoming response is appreciated. [View full text and thread]
1. what is a game theory?
2.What is the benefit of using a game theory?
3. Example of a game theory model.
4.Experimental situation about a game theory
[View full text and thread]
Does anyone have recommendations on fairly basic articles, books or chapters on the application of game theory to collective action problems?
Much appreciated. [View full text and thread]
No, there is nothing called absolute "perfect" in this world. Anyway
I beleive in bounded rationality and heuristcis and inductive reasoning in
decision making. [View full text and thread]
[View full text and thread]
I would like to know what is the best way to represent and solve the goat and the car statistical puzzle in game theoretical notation? If it is possible, of course. [View full text and thread]
The human mating arena is one of the most competitive of all human contests.
The payoffs are high enough to start wars. Male preferences in a mate can literally be predicted. Female's preferences in a mate cannot.
(In spite of what [View full text and thread]
I think a group have been applying Confrontation Analysis (a derivative of game theory) to a number of ethnic (and other) conflicts (e.g. Bosnia). There's a paper, written with a general involved in the conflict, at [View full text and thread]
(I'm not a professor either) If anything, I would say that game theory is sequential---both in a strategic and an epistemic sense. I buy into sequential rationality in a strategic sense because, as opposed to subgame prefection, [View full text and thread]
because immediate self interest, or the appearance of self interest is obvious with cancer [View full text and thread]
I would like to know if any research on Game theory has been applied to the following political scenario: several religious communities living in the same country.
Since I am a political science graduate, I would like to know if it is [View full text and thread]
I am doing my MSc thesis in multiagent reinforcement learning. I need electronic introductory material from the Internet. So can you give me URLs where I can find them? [View full text and thread]
A market in which there is a small number of firms competing is called oligopoly and has been studied in the first game theoretical work ever by Cournot in the nineteen century. For a more recent approach see the famous Industrial [View full text and thread]
Consider an example of a ski resort owner investing in both snowmaking equipment and in expanding the number of ski lifts at the resort. If there is sufficient natural snow, then the investment in snowmaking equipment adds nothing [View full text and thread]
A situation is said to be Pareto optimal when no further trade can make one agent better off without making someone else worse off. [View full text and thread]
I am learning about zero-sum game in economics. I need to know one industry or marketplace where the following is false,"There are no new markets, to be successful one must take someone else's marketshare." our hint is the zero-sum [View full text and thread]
Hi, I'm writing a masters dissertation on coopetition (when rival companies compete and cooperate at the same time on different things) - does anyone know of any articles that explain in simple and practical terms a general game theory [View full text and thread]
The idea of Nash equilibrium was know to economists before Nash. Good examples are Cournot, Bertrand and Hotelling models. They provided the intuition and the mathematics for it. Unfortunatelly, most of the researchers on game theory in [View full text and thread]
Supergames simply refer to the playing of an infinite sequence of ordinary (one-shot normal form) games over time. For example, repeated game models of oligopoly. [View full text and thread]
Is there any book of game theory in Malay language? [View full text and thread]
Could you tell me about super game theory ? Is it the recent development of game theory?
[View full text and thread]
Hi, Rene, the book Brandon suggested (Thinking Strategically) is very nice. Try this one too: "Games, Strategies, and Managers: How managers can use game theory to make better business decisions" by John McMillan, Oxford University [View full text and thread]
I think we ought to be objective and constructive in whatever comments we have for this forum. Though I'm not a student of UCLA, I've found this forum to be mighty mighty helpful and interesting :) Rodrigo and the other moderators [View full text and thread]
Respond to the question: hi You can try this book for a nice int? 05/07/2001 04:44 AM by Brandon; hi! You can try this book for a nice introduction to Game theory | "Thinking Strategically" by Dixit and Nalebuff [View full text and thread]
Hi, I am one of many students in the world who very appreciates with this forum. In my opinion, regardless the knowledge we have, we have to respect for the other's questions. Maybe we will think some question is foolish, because we [View full text and thread]
I'm very interesting to study about the game theory. Could you tell me what is the point that I should start? Actually my math knowledge is not too good, but I hope I can learn the game theory without too much mathematics. My friend [View full text and thread]
When I answer most of the questions, I try to put myself on the shoes of the person who's asking. I try to imagine I'm a very young student learning game theory for the first time. I'd like to have had something to rely on in order to [View full text and thread]
Jan, you'll find a good explanation of the role of reputation in game theory and really nice applications to bargaining processes in the business world in the book:
"Games, Strategies, and Managers:
How managers can use game theory to [View full text and thread]
You'll find the meaning of Nash's contribution in Roger Myerson's paper "Nash Equilibrium and the History of Economic Theory", Journal of Economic Literature, 37(3), September 1999, pages 1067-82. I also suggest the wonderful book "A [View full text and thread]
What happens with this forum? Many questions in this forum are not deserved to be answered. Bring it on the quality of this beautiful forum!!! [View full text and thread]
I think Cournot did not realized with the methodology of his work. That's right Cournot is the founder of oligopoly theory, but he did not give contribution (or just accidentally) to the game theory. [View full text and thread]
Literature that I used only describes the development of game theory in social science until early 1980's. Could you give sugesstion for me, what literatures about the development of game theory in social science after 1980s until [View full text and thread]
In 1838, Cournot developed game models of oligopolistic competition, which he analysed by the methodology of Nash equilibrium. And he was writing more than a century before Nash. I think (it is just my opinion) John Nash did not find [View full text and thread]
In 1838, Cournot developed game models of oligopolistic competition, which he analysed by the methodology of Nash equilibrium. And he was writing more than a century before Nash. I think (it is just my opinion) John Nash did not find [View full text and thread]
I am a Student looking for a condensed approach to the role of reputation. I am especially looking for examples in the business world. Can anyone give me advice where to find something about this issue.
I am grateful for any [View full text and thread]
Well, I wouldn't be so hard on game theory. Many people criticize it for its informational requirements. Playing the devil's advocate, I'd tell a story. When you cross a street, you mentally solve a highly nonlinear stochastic partial [View full text and thread]
Literature that I used only describes the development of game theory in social science until early 1980's. Could you give sugesstion for me, what literatures about the development of game theory in social science after 1980s until [View full text and thread]
Hi, I'm a portuguese student. Sorry for the twice. I wish ask your help to one exercice of the book "Game Theory with Economic Applications", Bierman and Fernandez, please. Did you know? In pag 327, table 15.1, Normal Form of Entry [View full text and thread]
In addition to the good references provided by Rodrigo I would like to suggest Myerson's paper on the impact of J. Nash's works on Economic theory:
"Nash Equilibrium and the History of Economic Theory":
Journal of Economic Literature; [View full text and thread]
What is the limitations of the game theory? [View full text and thread]
Hi, Celestine, there is a nice survey about it with lots of references. It's old, but contains the most important contributions up to the time it was written:
Economics and the Theory of Games: A Survey
Andrew Schotter, Gerhard [View full text and thread]
Why is it easier to raise $1 million in voluntary contributions for medical research into a deadly disease like cancer than it is to raise the same amount for space exploration? [View full text and thread]
Hi, Mark, I haven't found a specific application of game theory to the german automotive industry, but found one to the japanese industry:
"Determinants of Trust in Supplier Relations: Evidence from the Automotive Industry in Japan and [View full text and thread]
When will I get better bid offers having two options:
1. One bid with two winners.
2. Two similar consequents bids with one winner in each bid.
Several assumptions:
1. 4-6 bidders each bid.
2. If choosing the two bids option the [View full text and thread]
You may find "Game Theory", by Guillermo OWEN, a good reference. He talks about Shapley value in chapter 10 (for finite games) and in chapter 12 (for nonatomic games). A more down-to-the-earth book is "Game Theory for Economists" by [View full text and thread]
Anyone can help me to find complete explanation about parlour theory? thanks [View full text and thread]
anybody can help me to find the complete explanation about parlour theory? [View full text and thread]
Dear professor,
I have a simple question, "Do you think game theory is perfect?"
thank you. [View full text and thread]
Dear professor,
I have studied about game theory, and I found that it is very difficult to implement this theory to the real world. For example, game theory requires clearly defined rules of the game. Could you convince me that it can [View full text and thread]
Respond to the question: What key factor does AMaddison emphasis? 04/19/2001 06:41 AM by helena elgawly; What key factor does A.Maddison emphasises in explaining why the long postwar boom occured? | A.maddison is Angus Maddison. [View full text and thread]
What do ICP and ISP stand for? [View full text and thread]
How could game theory be used to develop rules and procedures for trade to minimise environmental externalities arising from trade? [View full text and thread]
Is a pre-commitment strategy in game theory a way of turning strategic choice into a parametric one? [View full text and thread]
Hi, Nikki, there is a paper by Oliver RICHARD and Olivier ARMANTIER: "Exchange of cost information in the airline industry". In this paper they analyze exchanges of cost information in an oligopoly model for the airline industry with [View full text and thread]
A search on econlit showed only one paper, by Walter OTSCH. The abstract is in English, but the paper is in German :"Gibt es eine Grundlagenkrise der neoklassischen Theorie?" (Is there a crisis in the foundations of neoclassical [View full text and thread]
I have found a set of numbers that have 'appeared' in the measurements of ancient architecture.
As I am no mathematician I need to know where to go to have this written up to look professional. Any ideas please?
John D. [View full text and thread]
Hi Yair! I'll give it a try but I can't be absolutely sure that I'm correct :) Here goes.....
If this game is infinite (there's no deadline), and the size of the pie shrinks in each period, there will be no last-mover advantage. I [View full text and thread]
Does anybody know about aplications of the famous Godel Theorem to economics?
Thanks [View full text and thread]
1) 'Mumbo jumbo, super jumbo' The Economist, 12 Jun 1993, 98
2) 'Plane wars' The Economist, 11 Jun 1994, 83
3) 'the flying monopolists' The Economist, 19 Jun 1993, 18
4) Third Pakage and Noncooperative Collusion in the European [View full text and thread]
The game is identical to the classic inifinte horizon game of alternating offers (Rubinstein 1982) , 2 players, fixed discount factor etc. The only difference is that player 2 makes offer at period that are product of 3, for [View full text and thread]
Hi, Mikael, there is a book written by Martin SHUBIK called "A Game-Theoretical Approach to the Political Economy", (volume 2 of "Game Theory in the Social Sciences"). The math is very simple and Shubik is one of the best exponents of [View full text and thread]
Hi! A subgame is a game starting at any node (except those which belong to information sets containing 2 or more nods) in the game tree such that no node which follows this starting node is in an information set with a node which does [View full text and thread]
Hi Rodrigo! Yes, I'm aware of the analysis by Spence (1974). Actually, I had in mind another study, done by Rothschild and Stiglitz (1976). They showed that an insurance company, if it offers a "menu" of insurance policies with [View full text and thread]
Hi, I suggest you visit Paul Klemper's page at:
You'll find some interesting papers on the state of the art of auction design. take a look at the papers "what really matters in [View full text and thread]
Yes, I think I spoofed. The initial view I had was that of 3rd degree price discrimination too but I had mixed feeling when I thought about the size of the fleet (the capital outlay) which the company would have to consider. Is it [View full text and thread]
Hi, Yolanda, I don't know of any specific application of game theory to epidemiology. However, there is a growing literature on economics applied to biology, and also to epidemiology. Try the Journal of Bioeconomics [View full text and thread]
Is there any relationship between game theory and epidemiology? [View full text and thread]
Thanks Rodrigo, I just downloaded the file. It's working. I suppose it was a little slow (and i was hasty) when I tried to access it direct from my browser the last time. :) [View full text and thread]
Thanks Rodrigo. I can't find the book in my school library but I'll try my luck at the other libraries. Thanks! [View full text and thread]
[View full text and thread]
Hi, Brandon, in the book "Topics on Microeconomics: Industrial Organization, Auctions, and Incentives" by E. WOLFSTETTER (Cambridge University Press, 1999), you'll find a whole chapter on monopoly. On page 49 of this book, he mentions [View full text and thread]
I don't know exactly what you mean by "revenue destruction". I suggest, however, a very nice book by Xavier VIVES, "Oligopoly Pricing" (MIT Press, 1999). You'll find a chapter on Cournot model of quantity competition. [View full text and thread]
Hi! I was wondering if someone could refer me to perhaps, a website where I could get information and questions for practise, on commodity bundling. Thanks. I've seen Prof Levine's PDF files and problem set on Game theory but aren't [View full text and thread]
Hi! I have not come across the term "revenue destruction" during my course of study. Would you care to enlighten me a little pls? Perhaps, I'll then take a look at your question again and see if I can find out anything. :) [View full text and thread]
[View full text and thread]
There are two things you should look at; one is a diagram editor like Microsoft Visio or the open source Dia; I have some template for drawing game trees at If you want [View full text and thread]
In my econ class, we were discussing Cournot Quantity markets for oligopoly markets. As the number of Cournot competitors in a market increases, the price generally falls. I was wondering how does this apply to the revenue destruction [View full text and thread]
I was wondering if anyone has encountered a program that is well suited for game theory and helps with the production of extensive form game trees for printing. I use these in lecture so it would be elpful not to have to write them [View full text and thread]
Ex post, in monetary terms, when the option is exercised, what one partner gains is what the other partner loses. In economics, however, we know that two partners agree to a transaction because both, at least ex ante, expect to obtain [View full text and thread]
Sorry, this is a repost as I posted it wrongly the 1st time
Hi! I don't know if this is what you're looking for but I happen to read these pages in a book Rodrigo recommended recently. Thought it might be useful to you. Take a look [View full text and thread]
Hi Rodrigo! It's not from a textbook but from my LSE subject guide (for external students) on Managerial Economics, rather. The equation:
(w+g)(1-p) + (bp) g(1-p)/p +b
comes from the guide itself. This question appeared as [View full text and thread]
Hi! I don't know if this is what you're looking for but I happen to read these pages in a book Rodrigo recommended recently. Thought it might be useful to you. Take a look at page 388 of Walter Nicholson's Microeconomic Theory (7th [View full text and thread]
Thank you very much Rodrigo! I've read the pages in the test you recommended (well, it's high time...)
The climbing analogy made the concept easier to understand. I know this forum relates to Game Theory more but I certainly hope [View full text and thread]
Hi! I was going through some questions on the above topic and didn't quite understand the following...hope to gather some insights :)
Question: Review the min cost implementation problem for efficiency wage and use this model to [View full text and thread]
Regarding part (a) of your question, player 1 has m1 strategies and player 2 has m2 strategies. Regarding part (b), player 1 has m1 strategies, but now player 2 can observe player 1's move before taking her action, so player 2 has [View full text and thread]
The convergence of frequencies and assessments is the same, since the relative weight of prior to the weight of the sample goes to zero. Using priors makes the procedure better behaved in small samples (and in particular makes it [View full text and thread]
I recommend "A Course in Microeconomics Theory" by David KREPS (Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1990). Take a look at chapter 18, called "the revelation principle and mechanism design". In the end of the chapter, Kreps refers to some surveys and [View full text and thread]
I've an interesting (though an easy) problem set for you to try to solve ... e-mail your answers to me and you will have a chance to win J45 ...
1. Consider a game with two players, player 1 and player 2, in which each player i [View full text and thread]
In words, this means:
(1) An additional unit of K makes the MPL vary. Compute the amount of this variation.
(2) An additional unit of L makes the MPK vary. Compute the amount of this variation.
(3) Now, it just happens that both [View full text and thread]
I think the fastest way to learn whether there is such paper is to ask your professor. [View full text and thread]
Hi! This's one book which I've found particularly useful (at least for me).
"Games for business and Economics" by Roy Gardner
I don't know but I think Barnes and Nobel will carry those books which you're looking for. Try their [View full text and thread]
Mathematical social sciences has game theory as its main branch in most classification schemes. As in Journal of Economic Literature classification, game theory appears in the mathematical methods field (C7).
[View full text and thread]
This question is too vague for the forum. If you have specific questions, we will be happy to try to answer them for you. [View full text and thread]
Please help me solve this puzzle as soon as posible, I am a sixth grader and I have been trying for days without success. I need to turn in my answer on Monday November 13, 2000. Please help me.
I need to to find out what S = ? [View full text and thread]
Is Game Theory a social science? if so, why is it classified as a branch of mathematics? See for example, JEL classification. [View full text and thread]
Dear profesor!
My name is Safet Kozarevic and I live in Bosnia and
Herzegovina. I'm an assistant of professor of
Operations research at Faculty of Economics,
University of Tuzla, BiH.
I've just finished my Postgraduate in field [View full text and thread]
1) I don't get why Yield-Yield is cooperation. In fact, it seems that this is not cooperation.
>>Let me rephrase my question. What are two players that yield cooperating about?
The matrix can be seen as:
3,3 1,4
4,1 0,0
>My [View full text and thread]
I like the book by William Poundstone (prisoner's dillemma) [View full text and thread]
Sorry for the inconvenience. I've been able to replicate this, and believe I have the problem fixed. If you have problems posting, it would be helpful to me if you email me about the problem and include the exact text of what you sent, [View full text and thread]
check the link:
[View full text and thread]
I found some references that may be of your interest: 1)Lloyd Ellis, Huw, 2000, Public Education, Occupational Choice, and the Growth-Inequality Relationship, International Economic Review; 41(1), pp. 171-201.
2)Mehta, Shailendra [View full text and thread]
Textbooks use this case as an example of perfect competition. However, there have been studies that analyze the existence of asymmetric information (and hance adverse selection problems because of hidden information). [View full text and thread]
Could you be more specific?
What I understand from your question, an agent takes decisions subject to a particular contract: "budget" contract.
In this case I know that Eric Chow is studing capital misallocation when the CEO is [View full text and thread]
I found all these references
* Grossman and hart (1986): The Cost and Benefits of ownership. Journal of Political Economy, 94
* Hart and Moore (1990): Property Rights and the Nature of the Firm, Journal of Political Economy 98
* [View full text and thread]
I found these papers that may be related to your question:
"The Effects of Recognition and Group Need on Volunteerism: A Social Norm Perspective", Fisher,Robert J.; Ackerman, David, Journal of Consumer Research; 25(3), December [View full text and thread]
According to the literature on social norms, a society can end up in a "desirable" equilibrium (for instance, without overexploitation of natural resources) without formal incentives for "desirable" behavior, because people seek [View full text and thread]
MATLAB version in hopefully easier to read form:
function [predx,ftop, score,lscore] = binpredict(x,numpred);
% [predx,ftop, score,lscore] = binpredict(x,numpred);
% purpose
% predict a binary string.
% [View full text and thread]
Thanks! I will cite the Fudenberg and Levine paper.
If anyone is interested, I have attached a MATLAB version of
the binary prediction program
function [predx,ftop, score,lscore] = binpredict(x,numpred);
% [View full text and thread]
I have no idea but found the following two record in ECONLIT
TI: Employment Arguments for Protection and the Vita Theory
AU: Gray,-H.-Peter.
SO: Eastern-Economic-Journal; 10(1), January-March 1984, pages 1-13..
AI: No
AN: [View full text and thread]
I took the liberity to answer your question and will ask Prof. Levine to double check on them. The questions and answers are the following:
Q1) Does Nash Equilibrium condition is same as Pareto Optimality ?
A1: No, none of Nash [View full text and thread]
Do you have to construct the payoff matrix? Could you describe the game?
[View full text and thread]
For software to solve games see the following web page at Caltech:
[View full text and thread]
You can use this category to post questions on topics not already covered in the forum. Just click on "Ask a question about Other Topics." We will assign a topic. [View full text and thread]