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Hello, please what is the principle according to which movement diagrams should be created (payoffs to a certain player)? I am attempting to create one for 3 players but was unable to deduce a clear rule from the sources I found - [View full text and thread]
How does one handle non-pareto Nash Equilibria in recursive games.
Using game-tree approaches, I am dealing with the situation when
at each move, the two players issue their moves simultaneously. Of course,
one can get several [View full text and thread]
See attached file - question about when a multi-player game is factorizable/separable...... [View full text and thread]
Respond to the question: Algorithm to find maximum and minimum fi? 11/06/2013 02:30 AM by Cris; Algorithm to find maximum and minimum fixed points of a monotone decreasing vector-valued function | Hello, I have a monotone decreasing vector valued functions which has at least one fixed point. I have shown that the set of fixed points is finite and, thus, has a maximum and a minimum. I want to find an algorithm to find the maximum [View full text and thread]
Can an commerce platform increase conversion rates by diminishig the number of click an user has to do until he orders the product? [View full text and thread]
I have a very simple question, but I couldn't find the answer elsewhere. Is it possible that a given decision node is a member of two or more information sets?
Thanks in advance. [View full text and thread]
Hi, I'm looking for some information about algorithms to solve multiplayer games. Could somebody help me please? Thanks [View full text and thread]
I have encountered a problem, in a mental health issue, wich addresses the issue of the asymetry of two players preferences, i.e. that their respective worst preference is enormously asymetric.
One player's worst preference is a [View full text and thread]
Does any one know some literature about 2-Person nonzero-sum game in which
the players play their game over a polytope. Some call the question as 'polytope game' or 'restricted game'.
This game is like a pair of Linear Programmings [View full text and thread]
Respond to the question: Game Theory Oligopolies and Perfectly? 12/23/2002 03:23 AM by Paula; Game Theory - Oligopolies and Perfectly Competitive Distributors | I am currently writing an MBA dissertation on the impact on competition of delivering via a perfectly competitive distribution channel in an oligoplistic market. Insurance company is an oligopoly, brokers are competitive and sell to [View full text and thread]
Respond to the question: Choosing a mean average for a random sam? 11/14/2002 09:28 AM by dayton; Choosing a mean average for a random sample of numbers from 1-100 | If you have a set of integers from 1-100 and 30 people can select one integer each, on average what would the mean be of the sample chosen by the 30 people. [View full text and thread]
This is from Prof.Levine's homepage (
Would you like to learn about game theory? For the complete novice, I would recommend Thinking Strategically by A. Dixit and B. Nalebuff (Norton, [View full text and thread]
I will be teaching an intro econ class at an Academy in Chicago and this is my first college level econ class that I will be teaching. Do you have any suggestions about any books, research materials, or websites that will facilitate me [View full text and thread]